Skin Care 101

A few weeks ago I celebrated my 39th birthday. My last birthday in my 30’s.


Gray hairs are showing up.

Fine lines are appearing.

Years of sunbathing with no sunscreen (gasp) has totally caught up with me.

My friend Whitney, esthetician and former neighbor, has helped me get a good skin care routine to reverse some signs of aging and prevent further damage.

Her advice – keep it basic with 3 simple steps:


Pick a cleanser based on your skin type. Wash your face at least once a day – twice a day is ideal. In my younger years, I would go to bed with a face full of makeup. This is a no-no! She prefers natural skin care products which you can check out here. They are affordable and do not contain a lot of unnecessary ingredients.


This step is where you can really customize to your needs. If you’re dealing with Rosacea, fine lines and wrinkles, or acne, choose a product that targets these issues. I started using hyaluronic acid. Game changer! This stuff is good. Like most things, you get what you pay for. I use a more affordable cleanser so I can splurge on serums! I have also used a retinoid cream which is a great wrinkle preventative. It also helps with pesky pimples that pop up from time to time. Just be careful – a lot of these products do make you more sensitive to the sun.


Wear sunscreen every day. EVERY DAY. Cloudy days. Sunny days. In between days. Just do it! Look for a full spectrum sunscreen that is minimum 30 SPF. If you work hard to take care of your skin, all your efforts will be null and void if you don’t protect your skin from further damage. I prefer oil free because I already have oily skin. On super sunny days, reapply often and wear a hat!

Spa or Doctor

If you don’t know where to start or are unsure of your skin type, meet with an esthetician one time to get a facial and plan! They can identify your skin type and recommend products. Estheticians are licensed to work with the epidermis. This layer of your skin correlates to the appearance of your skin. Dermatologists look at your skin from a medical perspective, not necessarily a beauty perspective. They can help with certain skin conditions and also check out your skin to make sure nothinglooks sketchy. I visit a dermatologist once a year for a mole check and an esthetician as often as my bank account allows me!!

Stay Hydrated

When I drink enough water (about half my body weight in ounces) my skin looks so nice! This is hard to keep up with but it’s worth it!

The bottom line

Start now-the sooner the better since prevention is key in skin care!

I am a firm believer that growing old is a privilege. I try to treat and embrace the aging process in a natural and healthy way!

“Your face is marked with lines of life, put there by love and laughter, suffering and tears.” – Lynsay Sands

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