The Ultimate All Access Pass

When I was younger, attending a concert or going to an amusement park was pretty basic. Buy a ticket – the same ticket as everyone else – then wait in line or find your seat. Everyone had the same level of access and enjoyed a smiliar experience.

Today things are different. You can buy a fast pass, a back stage pass, or an ultimate VIP pass. Sounds super exciting! Why doesn’t everyone do it? Because it will cost ya! That $70 concert ticket turns into $200 when you add the back stage all access pass. The amusement park ticket price might double if you want to skip the lines.

I have slowly learned over the years, we have access to the ULTIMATE All Access Pass, right at our fingertips. And the best part…it’s free! Say what?!?!

Jesus already paid the price for us when he died on the cross. It is ours to claim.



By believing.

It is called salvation and it it ours if we accept it.

We like to over complicate things. But the truth is…

We can’t earn it.

We can’t pay for it.

We can’t buy it for someone else. This isn’t like stopping by Walmart on the way home. Does your sister need a pass? She needs to get it herself. You can show her the way, but ultimately she has to be the one to go get it.

We each must believe.

Do you know there are piles and piles of unclaimed passes for salvation waiting to be redeemed? Some people don’t even know what this pass is or that it is available.

Others don’t think they deserve a pass because they aren’t good enough.

Would you let your best friend miss out on a chance to go back stage to meet her favorite band? Heck no! If she had that opportunity you would track her down to let her know (and then beg her to take you!)

Some think they have to earn it.

You want this all access pass? Believe and it is yours.

The amazing part?

The earning you thought you had to do? You will start doing that after you collect your pass. Even though you don’t have to, it just happens. Once you come to know God, you will want to do good things.

Over time, you might start:

Reading the bible or going to church

Forgive quicker

Start praying

Suddenly you get stressed a little bit less with each challenge

Begin treating others a little bit better

With God, there are no office hours and you don’t have to wait you turn. You hav 24/7/365 access to the creator of the universe and He loves hearing from you. Beyond cool!

You believed, accepted your pass for salvation, and now you are doing all the things you thought were necessary to get the pass in the first place!

What are you waiting for?

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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