God has cleared the calendar

I use my Outlook calendar and every important moment of life exists in that space.

If it is not on the calendar, it doesn’t exist.

At the start of the year, I decided to start using a paper planner also to keep track of healthy habits and other things. I like to write things down, so this works for me.

On Sunday I sat down with the planner open. Normally I would write down everything I need to accomplish that week, things going on, sporting events, goals, etc…

Instead I just stared.

There is literally nothing to write down.

Almost immediately, something came to my mind.

“God has cleared our calendar.”

For sake of our finances, we are fortunate both of us can still work. Anthony has to go in to work but I am working remotely. Nothing else planned besides that, which leaves a lot of time to spend with each other and help others.

That’s it.


Who would have thought there would be no good basketball games to watch in March, no softball season, no spring break trips?

I am trying to keep open ears and an open mind, because God is showing us something, without a doubt.

When worry sets in, which seems to be daily…

I remember Psalm 56: 3-4

Fill your calendar with good things during this time! Read, pray, spend time with family, and help others when you can! And when worry sets in, read Psalm 56: 3-4.

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