Delicious Summer Protein Smoothie Recipes

I am such a creature of habit. Every morning I have the same protein smoothie – delicious – but getting boring! You can read about my tried and true morning smoothie here.

Time to change things up a bit! I have found some very delicious recipes to share. Frozen fruit works well because it gives the iced texture and it lasts a lot longer than fresh fruit. This allows me to have a larger variety of options. If you are using fresh ingredients, I would suggest adding some ice before blending.

Now that I am pushing 40, I have started using Collagen powder. I add this to my smoothies as well and have found it to blend right in and not alter the taste at all.

Blueberry Cheesecake Protein Smoothie

Either fresh or frozen blueberries and spinach will work! If I use fresh, then I add ice. If I use frozen, then I don't.

  • 1 cup Blueberries
  • 1 cup Spinach
  • 8 oz Almond milk
  • 1 scoop Vanilla protein powder
  • 2 tsp Cheesecake pudding mix
  1. Mix all ingredients, blend, and enjoy!



Peach Cobbler Protein Smoothie

This takes like Peach Cobbler in a glass! So refreshing and delicious!

  • 1 cup frozen peaches (If using fresh, add ice)
  • 1 scoop Vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 8 oz Almond milk
  1. Mix all ingredients, blend, and enjoy!









Strawberry Cheesecake Protein Smoothie

If you love strawberry cheesecake, you will love this one!

  • 1 cup Strawberries
  • 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
  • 1-2 tsp Cheesecake Pudding Mix
  • 8 oz Almond Milk
  1. Mix and blend!

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