
Have you ever watched the movie The Sandlot? It’s a classic and one of my all time favs! Remember the scene when Squints tells the story about the beast staying chained up forever…forever…forever…

How often do you think about forever? We use the word a lot, but usually in an exaggerated way.

“I’m hungry. The food is taking forever.” (If you have ever taken your kids out to a restaurant, you have heard this)

“I’m in a hurry. This stoplight is taking forever.”

Running into an old friend: “Hello! I haven’t seen you in forever.”

So what is forever?

It is defined as “for all future, for always, continually, lasting, permanent”

Forever is a long time! Like… really long… It’s forever! It’s hard to even comprehend.

So how do you want to spend forever?

We spend a lot of time on earth living life, focusing on our current situation and feelings. But how much time do we spend prepping for what comes after this life?

I am guilty of this too, so I am not shaming or pointing fingers. But it is something to think about! Forever is a LONG time to realize you were wrong, and then it’s too late.

Live life with an eternal lens!

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