Heard of the Coronavirus?
Unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard about the Coronavirus. If you turn on the TV, open a web page, or listen in on conversation, it is mentioned.
All the time.
It’s freaky stuff.
At times, it feels a little overwhelming and my anxiety kicks in because I can’t control the situation. I do encourage my family to do all the common sense things being promoted such as:
*Wash your hands – really wash. I have to explain this one to my kids. A sprinkle of water for 2 seconds doesn’t cut it.
*Cover your cough
*Don’t touch your face, nose, eyes, etc…
*Stay home if you are sick.
As I am demanding hygiene to my family, something comes over me- an epiphany.
Um, aren’t these the things we should be doing all the time? These are great year round habits and there would be a lot less sickness if we always followed these rules.
It is kind of sad the busyness of the times has taken over common sense! We have so much to do and are so important that we simply can’t miss a day.

What if we get quarantined?
Now let’s talk quarantine. We are a busy family of 5 and I am one those busy people I just referenced above.
Busy, busy busy.
If you have talked to me about the Coronavirus you have probably heard me say, “Is getting quarantined that bad?” A few days at home to chill, no where to rush off to, time to relax? What exactly is the issue with this??
Now, before I downplay being stuck at home, let me say a few things.
We live in the country on a big piece of land so we can get outside, walk around, and breathe fresh air.
I also live with my family so I am not alone. Not everyone is this lucky – I get it.
But in reality, 3-5 days at home, without being deathly ill, could be relaxing and productive. We are Costco shoppers so we wouldn’t go hungry. And yes, I was there for my normal quarterly trip when the rest of the world was stockpiling and panicking. Talk about insane! What’s with the toilet paper shortage?
My niece lives in Boston and her company is considering a 30-60 work from home policy. Eh. If my family is stuck at home together 24/7 for 30 days, someone will die and it won’t be from the Cornavirus.
The ripple effect is crazy and as I type, things are being cancelled and changed. My son is bummed because the Pistons/Lakers game he was going to got cancelled. I was a little less bummed when I found out we get a refund! But seriously, when you are a 7 year old basketball fanatic this is a BIG deal. Luckily he is still young enough not to sense the panic in the air.
Back to my point – maybe the Coronavirus is a silver lining and we will get a break from our overextended, busy lives?
But what if I get the Coronavirus?

I worry about this since my husband works at a hospital and is often working on the isolation rooms housing these patients.
Here’s the deal.
Worrying won’t do a bit of good, except stress us out which actually lowers our immune system.
Matthew 6:27 says “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? ”
While I believe this to be one million percent true, I do have a hard time living it out sometimes.
When the worry overtakes, read/repeat, read/repeat, read/repeat as many times as necessary!
Romans 8:28 says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
Whatever happens is part of God’s plan and He will work it out for good. Believing this will bring peace in a time of pandemonium.
God is not up there wondering when this will end or who will get sick. He knows! He knew about the Coronavirus before you were even born. God does not get surprised. Despite the feeling of panic, He has things under control. (Again, read/repeat)

So, if this crazy virus forces you to skip some events, slow down your hustle and bustle, and take better care of yourself, then I would say something good is coming out of this tragedy.
I don’t mean to downplay this by any means – I know it is serious and I worry about my elderly parents. But I can’t do any good by worrying, so in the meantime, I will be staying off Google except for need to know info! Coincidentally I am on a social media hiatus because I gave it up for Lent, which is a blessing because I would be glued to Facebook right now, which would fuel my worry flames!
Check on your isolated friends, say your prayers, and wash your hands!