Letting go of perfection

“So close.” I think this a lot. I’m so close to achieving and reaching goals I’ve set for my self….until I flub up. One day ruins a whole week. One junky snack ruins a whole eating plan. One lazy morning ruins a good routine…or does it?

Is it reality to think we will NEVER have a lazy morning, NEVER have a bad day, NEVER make a bad food choice?

Sometimes I want a piece of the birthday cake and that’s that! Sometimes I need to skip out on doing laundry for the 95th time in a week and go to yoga instead. Sometimes I need a few more minutes of sleep.

We are not always going to check all the boxes or cross off everything on the list. We are not meant to be robots. We are meant to be real!!

Let go of perfection! Kicking myself when I’m down does no good. Last week I was feeling moody and a little down. Instead of getting annoyed with myself for allowing my emotions to get the best of me, I shook it off, addressed what needed to be addressed, and moved on. It may be a bump in the road but it doesn’t mean I’m out of the race. I can keep going.

Let go of perfection! I don’t love my double chin that has formed. Some days it’s all I can see in the mirror. Feeling pudgy, I listened to Pastor Rick Warren preach a sermon in envy. He has some great points. If you’re telling God, “Hey, I don’t like this fatty chin, My hair is too thin. My feet are too big…”aren’t you telling God he got it wrong? He messed up? This really made me think. Since then, I’ve thought about the things I don’t love about myself. These are things God gave me for a reason and a purpose. It’s who I am and how God made me! There’s only 1 me!

Let go of perfection. The Bible tells us:

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭3‬:‭23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

So let go of perfection and stop setting unrealistic expectations. God made you to be you! do your best, pray, and give thanks!