Chicken protein bowls

I am loving the ability to make lunch while working from home. I have a new favorite that’s full of protein and fiber, so it keeps me full.

It is a simple recipe, quick and easy to make, and tastes delicious!


  • Black beans
  • Brown rice
  • Avocado
  • Grilled chicken
  • Lime juice
  • Cilantro


Tyson Grilled and Ready Chicken Breasts are an easy swap if you don’t have time to make fresh chicken.

If using canned black beans, rinse them first to reduce sodium.

A small squeeze of lime juice is all you need to give it some flavor.

Add tomatoes, greek yogurt, or garbanzo beans to mix things up.

2020 Book List Part 2

Don’t Stop Believing

By Jonathan Cain

Music fans and Journey lovers, this one is for you.In this book Jonathan Cain tells the story of his life, and how the terrible experience of Our Lady of the Angels school fire, the wonderful support of his dad, and his faith in God led him to where he is today.If you like to hear the history behind the music, I think you would enjoy this book.


By Max Lucado

I have read a few Max Lucado books. While this one was not my favorite, it was very good. Some noteworthy parts:

“Whether or not storms come, we can not choose. But where we stare during a storm, that we can choose.”

“If Jesus understands our weaknesses, then so does God. Jesus was God in human form. He was God with us. That is why Jesus is called Immauel. ‘Immanu’ means ‘with us.’ God with us. All of us. ‘I am with you always,’ Jesus said before he ascended into Heaven, ‘to the very end of the age.’ Search for restrictions on the promise; you’ll find none.”

“Stop and think about this. Not once did Christ use his supernatural powers for personal comfort.”

The Prayer that Turned the world upside down

By R. Albert Mohler Jr

This book breaks down and dissects the Lord’s Prayer.Each chapter focuses on a part of the prayer.

Matthew 6:13

Lead us not into temptation

This is a particularly relatable part for me.”The Bible clearly teaches that the devil and his demons are real and that these invisible enemies are bent on destroying our spiritual lives. Jesus’ reminder to pray regularly against temptation reminds us just how prevalant and dangerous the appeal of sin can be…sin doesn’t just want to play a minor role in our lives; it wants to ‘rule’ over us.

“Whether you are new to prayer, or a seasoned prayer veteran, you can learn something from this book.

On the Bright Side

By Melanie Shankle

Top 10 fav for sure. I think she is hilarious! This book was completely relatable to me on many levels. I highly recommend this book and plan to check out some of her others! Some of the references to the 80’s and 90’s had me rolling! Ah the good ole’ days!

Jesus Calling

By Sarah Young

This is a daily devotional book, so I am not through the whole thing yet, but it is too good to wait a whole year to be discussed. Sometimes I get a day or two behind, but the messages are always perfectly timed!!

If you have not read any of her Jesus Calling books, please check them out. My only suggestion-buy the actual book. I have been reading on Hoopla, which is free and perfect since libraries are closed due to the Coronavirus. There are so many things I want to screenshot or highlight, but due to security, the app won’t allow it.

Happy reading!

7 Life Lessons From a Bicycle

With extra time at home, the kids and I have enjoyed a few bikes rides. I use the term “enjoyed” here very loosely as one ride was in 40 degree temps with 20+ MPH winds. Thanks a lot Michigan. On our most recent ride, with slightly warmer temps and some sunshine, thoughts flooded my mind.

Riding a bike is a lot like life…

Perspective changes everything

I have walked my country dirt road thousands of times. Never once have I really noticed the hills. Not until I got on a bike. Whoa. My legs were burning! Have these hills always been here? Were they always this steep? Isn’t it funny how a different perspective changes your view.

Some times you pedal, sometimes you can coast

No doubt there are times when life feels like an uphill battle. Sometimes you just can’t see the top. But there is no better feeling than reaching the top and coasting for a while. The coasting is always sweeter after an uphill ride. Everyone has times of pedaling and times on coasting on the ride of life.

Climbing hills makes you stronger

Bike rides are enjoyable but would you build much strength if you were continually on flat land? It is those uphill rides that build strength. No pain, no gain right?!

Stop to enjoy the sights and sounds

I am grateful for country living. Sitting on our back porch, it often sounds like a nature tape is playing in the background. But these things are easy to miss if you don’t stop and listen. On our bike rides, the birds and frogs can be deafening in the best way possible. Fall views are my absolute favorite. Our country road looks like a picture you would find on a calendar. Don’t move through life so busy you miss the beauty of it all.

Be prepared

As I mentioned above, the windy, 40 degree ride basically sucked. But we were not prepared. We did not dress warm enough, no hats, no gloves. Life is a lot more challenging when we are not prepared. We couldn’t control the weather but we could have controlled how we prepped for it.

Stay in your lane

I typically ride with my daughter Emily, AKA swervy spice. The kid cannot walk in a straight line. Come to find out she rides a bike the same way! We spend a lot of our lives in other people’s lane, don’t we? Comparing…which leads to jealousy and feelings of inadequacy. Stay in your lane! God made you YOU for a reason. You can’t accomplish your life purposes by trying to be someone else.

If you fall, get back up

I can’t count the bumps and bruises I got while learning to ride a bike. One time I went one a ride with my brother and dad which ended badly. I flipped and scraped the entire side of my face and chipped off the majority of my front tooth. The worst part was this was long before cell phones, so I had to finish riding home. We took a lot of bike rides, and while this particular one sucked, I don’t remember it stopping me from riding again. I still love bike rides, especially with my kids. Moral of the story, don’t let a fall keep you down.