Quarantine crafts and projects

Being home has given us extra time to be creative and finish up some projects around the house.

During the early stages of the virus, before the stay at home order took effect in Michigan, we let the kids have a friend over. We made bird feeders with peanut butter, pine cones, and bird seed. We also tried one with an old ketchup bottle but that was an epic fail.

I would like you to take note of their super excited faces…

I found some pretty interesting things in our front field. I started picking them and realized they make a cute nature bouquet. I stuck them in a vase with pine cones and tied some ribbon around them. Viola. New centerpeice. Please notice the Lysol in the background…

Our windmill needed some repairs so while it was taken down and apart, we painted the center with the Grass Lake spear. GO WARRIORS! FEAR THE SPEAR!

My husband’s uncle made me this bench for me about 16 years ago. It got lots of love by the kids’ swingset at our old house. But once we moved, it sat by the barn collecting dirt. I decided to give it a facelift and painted it teal to match our rocking chair. I will plant some succulents in here once it warms up!

I made an attempt at home made birthday gifts since most of the stores are closed. Turns out I am great at pinning things on Pinterest but bad at actually making them! We have an overabundance of pine cones around here (as you can see from above projects) Here was my creation.

The kids painted our door. I have seen these stained glass windows popping up all over the place and they look great!

We finally found time to fix the broken rope swing in our front yard.

Let me see your creations!

God has cleared the calendar

I use my Outlook calendar and every important moment of life exists in that space.

If it is not on the calendar, it doesn’t exist.

At the start of the year, I decided to start using a paper planner also to keep track of healthy habits and other things. I like to write things down, so this works for me.

On Sunday I sat down with the planner open. Normally I would write down everything I need to accomplish that week, things going on, sporting events, goals, etc…

Instead I just stared.

There is literally nothing to write down.

Almost immediately, something came to my mind.

“God has cleared our calendar.”

For sake of our finances, we are fortunate both of us can still work. Anthony has to go in to work but I am working remotely. Nothing else planned besides that, which leaves a lot of time to spend with each other and help others.

That’s it.


Who would have thought there would be no good basketball games to watch in March, no softball season, no spring break trips?

I am trying to keep open ears and an open mind, because God is showing us something, without a doubt.

When worry sets in, which seems to be daily…

I remember Psalm 56: 3-4

Fill your calendar with good things during this time! Read, pray, spend time with family, and help others when you can! And when worry sets in, read Psalm 56: 3-4.

COVID-19 post #2

I wrote about the Coronavirus 5 short days ago, yet so much has changed! You can read that post here.

Rapidly changing developments seems to be the new norm. I find myself grabbing my phone a little (ok A LOT) more often to check what’s new. That is a slippery slope! Be informed but don’t obsess.

The future seems scary and unknown. I am such a planner, so the lack of expiration date on this situation is stressing me out. So, what can I do?

Stay informed but don’t obsess

This is worth repeating! There is some need to know info out there, but checking excessively is not good for your mental health! Checking for updates 25 times a day is actually not necessary. I promise!

Focus on the positive

What are some positives that have come out of this situation?

✔Already loving more family time together

✔Go to work and come home. That’s it! No running kids to practice. I am enjoying this new routine for now.

✔Walks every day! Fresh air does wonders for your mind and body!

✔ Kids are playing outside more often

✔We are being more responsible with our resources. Ex: the chips are actually getting clipped closed rather than being left open and turning stale. It is a cornovirus miracle!!!!!!!

✔My dogs LOVE having the kids home all day

✔Less hectic mornings

✔Better hygiene

✔People coming together to help each other out!

I found a great article today which you can read here. It is a quick, easy read which I highly recommend.

If you like podcasts, listen to this one to help refocus your attention.

Fill yourself with positive thoughts as much as possible.

Help those in need

There are a lot of people living in fear because of this situation.

Can you help?

Pick up groceries for someone who can’t get out.

Call and check on those who live alone.

Be attentive to the kiddos. This is new territory for them too!

Take a deep breath!

Do your part!

Wash you hands!

Stay home as much as possible! This too shall pass!