I just finished my first trip through The Daniel Plan and will be reading it again! I have so many favorite parts to share. If you are looking to make lasting changes, this book is a great place to start!
Category: Physical Health and Wellness
Health and wellness for the body
Spring fever
Yesterday in Michigan it was in the 50’s and sunny. An hour outside made me feel like a brand new person. For real!!!
It was amazing and I soaked up every second.
Of course, if it wasn’t for winter, we probably wouldn’t appreciate spring. #lifelesson
Since we are mid-pandemic, everyone is sick of hearing about positive cases, but I am positive I have a case of spring fever is and can’t wait for nice weather like this to stick around!!!
Wwaaaayyyyy back in the day however, “spring disease” was a real threat to life. No fresh vegetables were available in the winter and people were depleted of Vitamin C.
By the end of winter, before fresh food became available again, people began to show signs of scurvy.
Today spring fever symptoms include a flushed face, increased heart rate, appetite loss, restlessness and daydreaming. It’s spring fever, that disease we all recognize come March and April.
Some will say spring fever is not a real thing, but I can say for certain, an hour outside in the 50 degree sun charged my battery so much I felt like the energizer bunny. I even went grocery shopping and food prepped on a Sunday evening. This is insanity! Normally if I have to leave my house Sunday after about 4pm I kick and scream the whole way to my destination.
Moral of the story…call it what you want, but spring will soon be springing in Michigan (Yesterday was just a tease. We all know more white stuff will fall.)
But hang on, spring is coming! Savor these sunny, warm days sprinkled into the end of winter.
Get outside.
Take a walk.
Breathe in the fresh spring air and soak up the sun (with sunscreen of course because, well, damaging UV rays are a real thing. Trust me, I just turned 40!)
Think spring!

Homemade Acai bowls
I have a new favorite breakfast. Acai bowls.
You can find packets in your frozen food aisle. If you like a thicker texture, toss it in the blender with some frozen strawberries or ice.
Pour the acai mixture in a bowl. My favorite toppings: banana slices, blueberries, chopped walnuts, and sliced almonds. Sprinkle some shredded coconut and drizzle honey.
I could eat this every day and never get tired of it.