This is so interesting…More proof our emotions affect our health and heart
This is so interesting…More proof our emotions affect our health and heart
The holidays are upon us. For many of us fortunate folks, it means more family get togethers, which means more food. Indulging in appetizers, deserts, and drinks becomes the norm.
If you consult your trusty friend Google, you will find a lot of useful tips.
These are just a few tricks that can be helpful. But what if these don’t work? What if the urge is just too strong?
The answer?
Call for help!
Trade in Google for God!
The Bible has a lot to say about temptation and taking care of ourselves. Maybe spending a few minutes in prayer will stop us long enough to make wise food decisions.
Here are a few of my favorites to read when I am feeling weak.
This last verse is my favorite.
Jesus went 40 days without food. Some days after 40 minutes I feel like I am starving!! If we draw on His strength, we can endure any temptation.
Don’t let all your hard work from this year go to waste! Eat, drink, and be merry – just not TOO much!
Happy Holidays!
In an attempt to use what was in my fridge/pantry, I discovered a somewhat tasty and healthy lunch option! I love it when that happens!
Zucchini (cut up in bite size pieces)
Chickpeas (1 can)
Chicken breast (1 breast cooked overnight in crockpot with 1/2 cup chicken broth, then shredded)
Salt/pepper to taste
2 tbsp lemon juice
Olive oil
1/2 tsp parsley
Mix zucchini, chickpeas, shredded chicken, salt, pepper, olive oil, lemon juice, and parsley in a bowl with a lid and shake until well mixed.
Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. I heated mine in the microwave upon serving but it could be served cold as well.