Food/Body part resemblance: Series – Part 1

I find it so fascinating that many foods we eat look like the body part they benefit. It’s like God is giving us visual clues. “Here simple humans. I’ll make it obvious!”

Because there are so many, I decided to make this topic a series!

Kidney beans

This is an obvious one. Kidney beans look like kidneys. They are a great source of fiber, plant based protein, and iron just to name a few. They can also help lower blood pressure. The flip side: gas! I’m sure everyone remembers the bean song- “Beans, beans, the musical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot.” So eat in moderation and avoid on your first date!

With cooler weather on the horizon in Michigan, chili will start making its way into our kitchens. I use a variety of kidney beans in my chili.

Kim’s chili recipe

1 can light red kidney beans

1 can dark red kidney beans

1 can mild chili beans (hot if prefer spicy)

1 can pinto beans

1 jar low sodium tomato juice

1 onion, chopped

1 lb lean ground beef

1 can corn

1 packet chili seasoning

Brown the meat and drain. Mix all ingredients into a crockpot and cook on low for 4-6 hours. My favorite way to eat chili? With crushed up nacho cheese doritos. Yum.


Ginger is great for digestion. I buy Ginger root and boil it in a pot of water for about 10 minutes. I love to mix this in with other tea. If you have an upset stomach or sluggish disgestion, ginger is a great remedy. It is also good for nausea as well and has some anti-inflammatory properties. No surprise here since it resembles the stomach/intestines!

Ginger tea recipe

Ginger root (whole or peeled)

12-16 ounces of water

Boil a pot of water with ginger root for 10-15 minutes. Let cool and store any unused tea in the refrigerator.

Red wine

Red, red wine. Classic song! Are you singing it yet? Who knew red wine can be good for you – in particular your blood and heart.

A glass or two of red wine can raise your HDL (good cholesterol) and lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) which can help unclog arteries.

Resveratrol is a key ingredient in red wine that could prevent damage to blood vessels.

Bummer for me, I prefer white wine. But I do try to work in a glass of red from time to time. Like most things, moderation is key. While 1-2 glasses a day could be beneficial, 1-2 bottles a day is probably overkill! Just sayin’


Walnuts look like and benefit the human brain. They are rich in Omega 3 which helps promote brain health. Some studies have shown walnuts prevent cancer and are full of antioxidants. They are especially high in Vitamin E. Like most nuts, they are high in “good fat.” Just watch your serving size – a handful (about a 1/4 cup) is typical.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the series coming up in a few weeks!

My Women’s Retreat Experience AKA Jesus Camp 2019

A few weekends ago, my friend Whitney and I went to a Women’s Retreat (which we playfully nicknamed Jesus Camp)

She grew up spending weeks at Lake Ann Camp during the summer. This was my first experience.

When she asked me to go, my mouth said “yes” but my head said “no.” I searched the calendar secretly hoping I would be busy. But this weekend, nothing. Crap.

I was excited and reluctant all at the same time.

I had a month or so to prep (worry) about it.

Before I knew it, the weekend was here. The anxiety started creeping in Friday morning and by the drive there, it was full force. My fitbit actually recorded a full day worth of fat burn heart rate, even though we spent most of the day in the car.

How stupid am I? Schedule a weekend away to relax and get refreshed, then stress about it and make it the exact opposite!

Despite the anticipation and anxiety, I was quickly reassured by the beauty of this place!

The entrance has a cute sign and the prettiest tree lined drive, which sadly I did not get a picture of. (Think beginning of the wedding shower scene of Bridesmaids, without the lemonade) haha

Upon check in at the welcome center, my anxiety started to ease up a little. We unpacked in the cabin and went exploring. The lake was so peaceful and very quiet.

There were so many cute, random places to sit.

Friday night we had dinner and a session with the speaker, Shannon Popkin, about her book on giving up control to God. This is something I really struggle with, so it was the perfect message for me to hear! And the chapel was beautiful.

There were a lot of fun activities. We did a high ropes course which was absolutely terrifying but fun. I had a slight internal panic attack during instruction, and even though I was scared out of my mind, I did the quick jump (kind of like a bungie jump) I was the first one of our group to do it, which is a HUGE milestone for me. I like to see things before I do them! You stand at the edge of the platform and just step off. Just take a step. Um what? I wish I could have taken a picture from the top. It was terrifying. But I did it!! Whitney chose a different course than I did.

Here is a photo of her in the cocooon of death which you wouldn’t catch my clautrophobic butt anyway near!!

During free time Saturday we went into Traverse City and stopped at a winery on the way. It had gorgeous views and was set up for a wedding that afternoon. Awe. We did some wine tasting, then went shopping and got some of the most delicious fro-yo I have ever tasted.

The weather was perfect, the scenery was great, and we had an awesome time!

If I had to do it over again, I would!


VERY peaceful, quiet, and beautiful.

A variety of fun activities and free time to do what you want

24/7 access to coffee/tea (fellow caffeine addicts will understand)


Sharing a cabin/bathroom with strangers

The moral of the story? Years ago you would not have caught me dead at something like this! But at this point in my life, it was the perfect getaway at the perfect time. And the topic was on point for me. The whole experience made me realize I have come a long way, yet still have a long way to go. Gotta step out of your comfort zone to grow!

The Ultimate All Access Pass

When I was younger, attending a concert or going to an amusement park was pretty basic. Buy a ticket – the same ticket as everyone else – then wait in line or find your seat. Everyone had the same level of access and enjoyed a smiliar experience.

Today things are different. You can buy a fast pass, a back stage pass, or an ultimate VIP pass. Sounds super exciting! Why doesn’t everyone do it? Because it will cost ya! That $70 concert ticket turns into $200 when you add the back stage all access pass. The amusement park ticket price might double if you want to skip the lines.

I have slowly learned over the years, we have access to the ULTIMATE All Access Pass, right at our fingertips. And the best part…it’s free! Say what?!?!

Jesus already paid the price for us when he died on the cross. It is ours to claim.



By believing.

It is called salvation and it it ours if we accept it.

We like to over complicate things. But the truth is…

We can’t earn it.

We can’t pay for it.

We can’t buy it for someone else. This isn’t like stopping by Walmart on the way home. Does your sister need a pass? She needs to get it herself. You can show her the way, but ultimately she has to be the one to go get it.

We each must believe.

Do you know there are piles and piles of unclaimed passes for salvation waiting to be redeemed? Some people don’t even know what this pass is or that it is available.

Others don’t think they deserve a pass because they aren’t good enough.

Would you let your best friend miss out on a chance to go back stage to meet her favorite band? Heck no! If she had that opportunity you would track her down to let her know (and then beg her to take you!)

Some think they have to earn it.

You want this all access pass? Believe and it is yours.

The amazing part?

The earning you thought you had to do? You will start doing that after you collect your pass. Even though you don’t have to, it just happens. Once you come to know God, you will want to do good things.

Over time, you might start:

Reading the bible or going to church

Forgive quicker

Start praying

Suddenly you get stressed a little bit less with each challenge

Begin treating others a little bit better

With God, there are no office hours and you don’t have to wait you turn. You hav 24/7/365 access to the creator of the universe and He loves hearing from you. Beyond cool!

You believed, accepted your pass for salvation, and now you are doing all the things you thought were necessary to get the pass in the first place!

What are you waiting for?

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.