Kim and Ally’s Favorite Podcasts

I’m probably a little behind the times (OK fine, A LOT behind) but in an effort to make the most of my time, I have started listening to Podcasts. I’ve heard several people talk about them lately, including my niece Ally, home on a visit from Boston. I decided to check them out and it didn’t take long for me to find some favorites. Since I’m so new at this, I am including her favorites as well! True Crime is such a popular category, but you will notice those are absent from my list. No worries – Ally has you covered! I am basically afraid of my own shadow, so listening to True Crime is NOT a good idea for me. One episode of Dateline and I’m convinced a murdered is lurking in the woods.

Thus far I have focused on those in the scope of mind, body, soul health and wellness. Since I typically listen while I’m getting ready in the morning or during my commute once the kids get out of the car (which is only about 10 – 15 minutes) I prefer shorter podcasts I can listen to in 20 minutes or less. I’ve tried listening at work but I find it too hard to focus.

I will post an update in a few months once I’ve had more time to explore. But for now – here’s our favorite podcasts!

Kim’s List

Optimal Health Daily

Dr. Neal Malik

This podcast reads the latest and greatest health and fitness blogs and also has Q&A Episodes. I like these because they are short (usually 15 minutes or less) and cover topics I find interesting. A sister podcast to this is Optimal Living Daily, which reads content on personal development, productivity, and more.

Daily Inspiration

Steve Harvey

A daily dose of inspiration from The Steve Harvey Morning Show. I like him, although sometimes he’s hard for me to take serious because, well, he’s Steve Harvey! (Think Family Feud) This shows a different side of him and I have enjoyed it so far.

The Mindset and Motivation Podcast

Rob Dial 

(Soon changing names to The Mindset Mentor.) This is probably my favorite podcast. The episode about his 10 day silent meditation retreat was so interesting. I actually know someone who attends a retreat like this every year. 10 days without talking! #Meditation goals. I’ve had several good takeaways from each episode and have stayed engaged with very little mind wandering! I love his tag line at the end: “Make it your mission to make someone else’s day better.”

The Daily Still

Cindy L. Helton 

At first I listened to this on my way to work, but for me, good meditation requires closing my eyes. Not a great idea when you’re driving! So I moved it up in my day. I have a morning routine that works well for me, which you can read about here. I have been listening before I get out of bed, however the last time I got so relaxed I almost fell back asleep! Oops. Because of this, I’m thinking about actually moving this one to the end of my day right before I go to sleep.  They are short, which is great if you are new to meditation.

The Nutrition Diva

Monica Reinagel 

Information on easy ways to upgrade your eating habits.

Ally’s List

The Daily

The NY Times

20 minute news podcast – new 5 days a week. If you like a quick news recap, this is a good option.

Serial Season 1

This American Life

A podcast from the creators of This American Life. It unfolds one story over the course of a whole season. If you like murder mystery, this might worth checking out.  As for me, I’m skipping this one!

Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez

The Boston Globe: Wondery 

“Football star Aaron Hernandez went from the bright lights of the Super Bowl to a convicted murderer in a few years. The Boston Globe’s Spotlight team takes a hard look at the crisis facing football through the lens of Aaron Hernandez’s life and terrible crimes.” This one looks interesting and Ally enjoyed it. I plan to check this one out!

The Moth

Ally says this one is really good. it’s about people telling their stories. Some are funny, some are sad. She actually went to a live show and loved it! She lives in Boston so more exciting things happen there compared to my little town of Grass Lake, Michigan. No live podcast shows here!

What the Health

Kaiser Health News

Weekly Healthcare news. She has a degree in Public Health so it makes sense this is on her list!

If you’re new to the world of Podcasts and don’t know where to start, check out your favorite categories. You can find pretty much anything: Art, Comedy, Fiction, Business, News, Sports, and more. It’s a great way to fill your time! Let us know some of your favorites! Thanks to Ally for her awesome suggestions.

Rootine vitamins

I love, love, love trying new things related to health and wellness. So when I heard about Rootine, I had to give it a try!

It’s a company that uses DNA results to customize a vitamin specifically for you! They are not the only company that offers this – Vitagene is similar and others exist. However, Rootine was the first one I heard of so that’s the one I decided to try.

I placed my order and then I waited. I’m a little impatient. Ok, a lot impatient. Even though this is a longer set up process, I stuck with it and I’m happy to say I started taking my Rootine vitamins last week!

Easy 3 Step Process

Step 1: Take the Lifestyle quiz.

This was quick and easy and is done right on their website.

Step 2: Order DNA kit.

Easy instructions to follow. It took about 4 weeks from the time I returned my kit until I got my results, which were SUPER interesting.

Step 3: Take the vitamins.

Mine came about 2 weeks after my DNA results were available.

So you’re basically looking at about a 6 week process from the time you order until you start taking the vitamins.

I did skip one step – bloodwork. You can upload recent blood work for review. I found mine didn’t really help much. All I’ve had done is routine stuff which did not give much insight into my vitamin/mineral needs. Rootine emailed me a list of suggested tests. If I could have a do-over, I would have ordered these tests prior to the starting vitamins and then repeated in 6 months or so. Live and learn.

Taking the vitamins

This is a bit weird at first. They come with a great set of instructions which are helpful and funny. The vitamins are microbeads, which I expected to put in my protein shake each morning. However, it’s not thick enough so they just fall to the bottom of the cup. I’ve tried their suggested method of pouring some on your tongue then swollowing with water. Still weird. I’m hoping over time this gets less weird. I know I’ve used the word “weird” a lot but it’s a good way to describe them! Not bad, just weird. I have also sprinkled them on my yogurt. This is a good option, except I don’t eat yogurt every day.

They come in an easy to open, cute little package personalized just for you!

This is my nutrition label based on my DNA results and lifestyle quiz. Due to a gene variant, it is indicated that I need more Selenium than most people. I’m curious to see if I notice any improvements. Symptoms of low selenium include fatigue, mental fog, and hair loss. I most definitely check all 3 of these boxes so that makes sense!

The box they come in.

My Opinion

I think this is a really cool way to get the vitamins you need, since most include things we don’t need. I really believe vitamins are not a “one size fits all” thing. Time will tell!

Many people (my husband included) think this is a sham. And lots of sources will tell you ALL vitamins are unnecessary and a sham. I have mixed feelings and very little knowledge to back up my reasoning! So I will not pretend to be a multi-vitamin expert other than to say I’ve started/stopped various vitamins throughout the years without knowing much of a difference. So I am excited to see how I feel after taking these for a few months.

My 1 week review

I have been taking Rootine for about 7 days. Maybe it’s a total coincidence, BUT I have had great energy this week. I have exercised multiple times and been in a great mood. In previous weeks I have felt too tired to drag myself to do much of anything.

I will post another update in a few months. Stay tuned!

Step up your water game

I have been doing a great job of drinking more water. I notice the benefits: better skin and more energy just to name a few!

After a while plain ole water gets a little boring. I decided to spice things up (actually sweeten things up) by making my own flavored water.

It’s fun to try different combinations. While I’m not a huge cucumber fan, that is one of my favs. There is no denying the refreshment!

Some of my most liked combos so far:

Strawberry, blueberry, mint

Orange, mint

Lemon, lime

Cucumber, mint

Strawberry, blueberry, cucumber, mint

Strawberry, lemon

You really can’t go wrong adding some mint leaves.

I like to drink within 1 to 2 days. Anything longer than that was a little too overpowering for my liking.

Mix it up and let me know some of your favorite combos!