Calling All Control Freaks and Worry Warts

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It’s February already!


Weren’t we just ringing in the New Year? Like usual, time is flying.

Back in December, I had posted about my New Year’s Resolution. Only 1 this year! You can read about it here. Right around this time, a dear friend had reached out to me about getting together for a book study. We both struggle with control issues and anxiety so I searched for something along those lines and found It’s All Under Control by Jennifer Dukes Lee. We decided it would be worth checking out, ordered the book and study guide, and started reading. The timing could NOT have been better! Looking back, this was a total God thing. Had my friend not reached out, I probably would not have picked this book. I have a bookcase and Kindle full of books I’ve ordered and never found the time to read. Shameful, I know!! I broke my own rule of not buying any more books until I read the ones I already have, and I am oh so glad I did!

Immediately I fell in love with this book. It was EXACTLY what I needed to read at that exact moment in my life. I read with a pencil and highlighter in hand. If you’ve never done this before, try it! In the past, I opted for e-books. Super convenient, but for a scatterbrain like me, it’s very hard not to get distracted. Ding – email. Ding – Facebook message. Ding – text message. Ding. Ding. Ding. Plus, there are a lot of verses to reference. Some devices make it hard to swap back and forth between a bible app and a book.

I usually read early in the morning as part of my quiet time. Sometimes I got up before my 5:30 am alarm (crazy, I know) wrapped myself in a blanket, and read. Some days I would stare down the clock, hoping it would slow down so I had more time to read. My book friends will understand what this is like!

In order to let God be in control (as I said before, I know He is in control, but I typically like to pretend I am) I really need to keep myself on track. This book was a great tool for that. I could relate to the majority of the book.

While I don’t want to send out a spoiler alert, I do want to share a few of my favorite parts:

• “True Rest isn’t about your lack of activity; it’s about the state of your soul.” This one spoke to me! I am a busy person (aren’t we all) Work, kids, family, etc.. sometimes feel like there is just nothing I can cut. Maybe sometimes that is ok – if I find rest for my soul. That needs to be non-negotiable. Because without rest for my soul, I just can’t tackle the weekend-long softball tournaments or gymnastics meets or band festival.

• As long as everything goes exactly the way I want, I am totally flexible. Ha. Totally me!

• God cares for your loved ones more than you do. Love this! One of my biggest areas of stress and worry comes from my family. The world is a scary place. I worry about my kids, sometimes in an over the top, unhealthy way. I can reason with myself and know the worry won’t do any good, but still can’t stop. It was a great reminder that God loves them more than me.

• My type A likes to be in charge. Fundraisers, field trip chaperones, travel softball accommodations, you name it, I’ll do it. Until now! I’m starting to pass the baton. I just can’t do it all. I’ve come to realize something has got to give. Sometimes it’s painful because they just don’t do it right. Ha ok I’m joking (kind of) but in the end, it’s done and that’s all that matters.

I would practically rewrite the entire book if I wanted to share all my favorite parts! Had I read this a few years ago, I might not have been so enthralled. I’m telling ya – divine timing!

Here are my two cents on how I got the most out of this book:

• Get the paper copy! This is one of those books I feel like you will want the book in hand. I realize electronic devices make it easy to bookmark, etc… but for me, this was a book I wanted a paper copy of!

• If you follow step 1, have a pencil/pen/highlighter handy. There are so many things I underlined because I could totally relate.

• Use the study guide. I learn best by writing. For me, this was the perfect companion to the book. It had a lot of thought-provoking questions, fill in the blank, and other exercises. I have done studies in the past where the study guide was very redundant of the book, but this was not the case in my opinion.

You can order the book and study guide on Amazon by clicking on the images below.

You can also check out her website which has a lot of other great info.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have! I’m looking forward to meeting with my friends to discuss!

My Sweet Defeat Experience

A few weeks ago I ordered Sweet Defeat in an effort to curb my sugar cravings. With a family history of Diabetes and a (barely) normal A1C blood test, I decided it’s time to get control of my sugar intake. The past month has been abnormally busy, which means less time to food prep. This means challenging lunches! The drive thru people at Rally’s are really starting to know me by name. It’s the one fast food place I can actually stomach anymore! One bad decision leads to another. Next thing I know I’ve had Rally’s for lunch and M&M’s for dinner. Sugar is a repeat struggle for me. Click here to read about my last sugar fast.

What is Sweet Defeat?

Sweet Defeat is an all natural lozenge to help control sugar cravings. Check out their website here for more info on ingredients and the science behind the lozenge.

My Experience

Turns out like most things, you have to use it for it to work! Duh. This was my struggle week one (ok and week two) I would stare at the little packet, think for one second, walk away, and eat something sweet!

Not successful! Week three – time to get more serious. Insert my family’s eye roll. My husband gave me a great opportunity to test it out by bringing home chocolate cream pie. Sundays at our house = dessert after dinner days. Challenging!!

I ate an orange instead and then popped a lozenge while the rest of my family scarfed down a really delicious looking piece of this..

All in all, Sweet Defeat was very effective when I used it. Some days I need more than others. If you do pop a lozenge and eat something sweet, it just tastes blah. So for me, if I want a little something sweet, like 1 cookie (not 10 cookies) I will eat the cookie then pop a lozenge so I stop at one.

My box of 30 has lasted me several weeks. I keep a few in my purse, car, desk drawer, etc…

Worth a try, reasonable priced, and minty taste. Thumbs up!

Mindfulness my way


Have you heard of it? Do you practice it? My husband would call this “hippy stuff” but it’s seems to be all the rage lately. I have found this topic so intriguing so I decided to educate myself. Here’s what I discovered.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of being in the moment and aware of our current state, whatever that may be. It’s a self-examination of our current thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and overall state, without judgment. Through this awareness, the goal is to achieve stillness of the mind and accept oneself.

Full disclosure –

I struggle being in the moment. I am typically thinking about what has already happened, what might happen, or what I need to do next. While I do a decent job of being aware of my emotions and current state (most of the time) it is not without judgement. If i’m tense, I try to loosen up. If I’m holding my breath, I take a deep breath. If my mind is wandering to a “what if” scenario, I try to reel it back in. I guess you could say I am partially mindful with judgement. Wonder if there’s a name for that?!

History of mindfulness

In my study of mindfulness, I quickly learned this idea is rooted in Buddhism, although there are some new age techniques and some secular adaptations. Either way, mindfulness is meant to lead us to self acceptance and peace. Now I’m all for a little self acceptance but can we get true peace by being mindful?

Jesus peeps- where does our peace come from?

You got it. Not us. God.

So, I struggled with this. I recognized parts of mindfulness that could benefit me, but I also don’t want to attempt to fill God’s role in my life.

How to practice Mindfulness

Since we are all unique, I don’t think there is a cut and dry or right or wrong answer to this idea. I have taken what I’ve learned and what I know about God, and came up with a good combo for me. Being mindful is so important. If we weren’t attentive and aware of our thoughts and actions, that would be sinful in itself. Know any jerks? They are always rude and negative? Sure we do. Some people act this way without even realizing it!

Our minds are powerful and our thoughts help shape who we are and what we become.

To get started, check in with yourself to become more self-aware. What is happening right now? How are you feeling? How is your physical state? Consider your thoughts.

This is the part where I blaze my own trail and stray from the “no judgement zone” of mindfulness. The bible has A LOT to say about our thoughts. So if i’m going to be aware of them (step 1) then I’m going to fix them (step 2)

That’s easy enough by turning to scripture.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.

Proverbs 23:7 As someone thinks within himself, so he is.

If you have negative thoughts in your mind, make them obey, handcuff them, and take them to Christ. I love, love, love this image! It’s great advice. Somedays I play cop ALL. DAY. LONG. But, practice makes perfect. The more you drive out those negative thoughts, the easier it is to make room for the positive thoughts.

Remove roadblocks

There are many things that get in the way of being mindful.

One thing that hinders me the most from being mindful is thinking about my response. I turn off my listening ears and start thinking about what I am going to say in response to the other person. Sometimes I’m impatient-other times I am just really excited to respond!

Outside distractions can also get in the way. Ringing cell phones, text messages, noisy surroundings. I’m sure everyone can relate! These things can make it hard to concentrate on the current moment.

You may be a factual person who searchs the facts and details of what someone is saying instead of listening to the message. Our personal views and judgment often interferes with our listening.

So the take away – being mindful is not a bad thing. It’s actually a very good thing! Use it in conjunction with other good habits to be more self-aware. Recognize behaviors and patterns. Do what you can to fix the detrimental stuff and rely on God to help. All things are possible with God.

“In today’s rush, we all think too much – seek too much- want too much – and forget about the joy of just being.” -Eckhart Tolle