Monday morning in a Himalayan Salt Cave

After a recent girls trip to Indiana for a comedy show, my friend Erin and I decided to try something fun and different on our way home. We talked about finding a place to float in a salt bed, but frankly, that is terrifying because I am claustrophobic. Instead, we found a salt cave! It was actually more like a salt room, but salt cave sounds so much cooler!

Negatively charged ions in the salt are said to improve many conditions, such as inflammation in the lungs, asthma, allergies, and sinus congestion.  Dry air is more powerful than moist air and salt ions purify the air. Some experts say a 45-minute session in a salt room is equal to 3 days by the sea. I would personally prefer 3 days at the beach than 30 minutes in a salt room. Just saying. Since ocean air is made up of negative ions, breathing this air helps the body absorb oxygen and balance serotonin levels. (Proof to my theory that living by the ocean makes you happy)

Evolve Boutique & Healing Arts Center, in Niles, Michigan, was the name of the spa. It opened at 10:00am which was perfect timing for our drive home, and it happened to be on our way. Normally you need a reservation but luckily the cave was available when we stopped in. Everything lined up so I guess it was meant to be!

View from my chair

We each paid $20 for a 30-minute session. No shoes allowed, socks optional. We decided to go barefoot, which was shocking since my friend Erin refuses to go barefoot in a hotel room, yet she will rip off her socks and shoes and run around in a pile of Himalayan salt that hundreds of other people have likely touched with their bare feet. She’s weird but I love her. 

We walked in the room, which was dimly lit (they actually gave us a few lighting options but we chose dimly lit) The ground was covered in crushed Himalayan salt. We relaxed in zero gravity chairs with soft music playing. After a few minutes of giggles and “what the hell are we doing here” conversations, we settled in and began to relax.

This is me before I laid back to relax
Erin settled in much quicker than me and was ready to fall asleep within minutes
Salt Cave selfie

After 30 minutes in the room, we both felt like we could breathe a little deeper and easier.  Erin has a lot of allergy issues and said she felt great, less congested, and could breathe better. I woke up that morning feeling like I was coming down with a cold. I had the very early stages of an earache and sore throat. After a few minutes in the salt room, my earache actually started to feel worse. Even though I could breathe a little deeper, my earache and sore throat lingered until the next day and then I felt back to normal.

I’m not sure if it was the peaceful atmosphere or the salt that made us feel so relaxed. At one point I could have fallen asleep.

We visited the shop on the way out. Everyone knows a good salt cave has a gift shop! You will be shocked to know I bought salt. 2 salt shakers actually. One Pink Himalayan salt shaker and one Black Himalayan salt shaker. Pink Himalayan salt has less sodium and more minerals than table salt, so it’s said to be a healthier option. The black salt has an egg taste and smell to it, which was SO incredibly weird. I tried a little sample, which was like eating bits and pieces of a hard-boiled egg. This type of salt is commonly used in Indian dishes. So far I haven’t actually used it – but I have made a lot of dinner guests try it for fun! Not something I will use very often, but too unique to pass up.

Overall, the salt cave was a very unique and relaxing experience. It’s not something I would pay for on a regular basis, but it was fun to try. If you get the opportunity, check it out. Even if you don’t feel any benefit from the negative ions, I am sure you will feel relaxed, like you’ve spent 3 days at the beach!


Protein Shake for Breakfast on the go

I am not a big breakfast eater, mainly due to lack of time in the mornings. But I do know a healthy, filling meal is important to start the day. This wasn’t always the case. When I was in college, I used to have a donut and Mountain Dew every morning for breakfast. I have no idea how I am even still alive! What was I thinking?! Back then I actually had time to make a good breakfast, but I chose to sleep in instead!

Now that I am married with kids, my mornings are spent less on myself and more on getting everyone else out the door. I try to work in some quiet time as well, so it doesn’t leave much room for a big breakfast. My days of sleeping in are long gone. R.I.P. lazy mornings. I wake up at 5:30 just to get my crew out the door by 7:15. I simply don’t want to get up any earlier! Soooo, I rely on a quick and easy breakfast.

On good weeks, I make some breakfast burritos ahead of time so they are ready to go. I brown sausage, add chopped veggies, and sometimes add in eggs. This is super easy to make and it tastes good reheated. Throw the mix in a wrap and boom – breakfast is served.

Unfortunately, not all weeks work out this way. Instead of reverting back to the Mountain Dew/Donut combo, I make a protein shake. I’ve got it down to about 2 minutes so there is really no excuse! This combo below is my new favorite.

PB Honey Cacao Protein Shake

I use Almond milk, Raw Cacao powder, Protein powder, Peanut butter powder, and honey. Add some ice, blend (I use my Nutri-bullet) and viola. This is something I can make at home, then drink on the way to work. 99% of my breakfast is consumed in the car, unless it’s the weekend, so this works well.

If you’re looking for a protein shake, give it a try!


Benefits of Dry Body Brushing

*This post contains Affiliate links


It’s fall in Michigan. This means temperatures are dropping, sometimes abruptly! Then they rise again. And fall again. You get the idea. Michigan fall weather is a little bit of a roller coaster ride. We reluctantly turn on our furnaces and light a fire in the fireplace. With colder weather often comes dry skin! Last winter, no amount of lotion, coconut oil, or hydration could ease my dry skin. I remember laying in bed at night itching and scratching to the point of feeling crazy! After all else failed, I heard about dry body brushing and decided to give it a try. It turns out it works for more than just dry skin!

Benefits of dry body brushing

The process of dry body brushing can exfoliate skin, detoxify by increasing your circulation and promote lymphatic system flow and drainage. It can unclog pores and stimulate the nervous system, which can be very invigorating, so morning is a great time to do it! Some people say it can even reduce cellulite. Bonus!

How it works

It is a pretty simple process. Get naked! Start on dry skin and work in an upward motion. Be gentle! You are brushing, not scrubbing! Brush your skin by starting on the tops of your feet and moving up toward your heart. Since this is the same direction your lymphatic system flows, you want to brush in that same direction. It’s helpful to go over each spot a few times. I find the best time to do this is right before getting in the shower. Some people like to use a circular motion, some upward sweeping motion. The key is working toward your heart. Be especially gentle around the neck and chest area since these can be sensitive and skin is thinner. Ladies – skip the boobs!

What you need

Make sure you have the right tools. I like this Dry Skin Body Brush from Amazon. It has a long handle which is great for your back (this tends to be my driest body part in the winter) I have seen some people use these on their face, but I found it was too big and harsh. I would suggest getting a brush designed for your face to be safe. One option is the Face Cleansing Brush which got good reviews on Amazon.

Dry body brushing is a great habit to add to your morning routine. It only takes a few minutes and has a lot of benefits. Let me know if you have tried body brushing!