Our wedding day 2004


Tuesday, October 16th was our 14th wedding anniversary. 14 years. 5,110 days. If I had to guess, I would say about 1000 of those days were spent surviving, and the other 4110 were spent thriving! If you’re thriving days exceed your surviving days, you’re in good shape! We are certainly NOT marriage experts, but here’s how we’ve made it 14 years!


Right now we are knee deep in busy. With 3 kids, there is always someone to pick up, drop off, help with homework, feed, etc… Our girls play travel softball and are year-round gymnasts. Our son is just starting to get involved in sports. Alone time is a precious commodity. Sometimes it is downright impossible to find time together, let alone QUALITY time. A few months ago we planned the most long overdue date night in the history of the universe. It was go time and our 5 year old decided to have the most epic meltdown – so bad that we had to cancel our plans. I cried. Real tears. I wanted to run away. So, a few weeks later we tried again, it worked, and we were home by 9:00 because, well, we’re exhausted and sometimes it’s nice to just be home!

If you can squeeze in a real adult vacation, I HIGHLY recommend it. We have done that a few times throughout our 14 years and it is worth every penny. We took a trip for our 10 year anniversary and that high lasted months and months. It was so recharging. We got tattoos while we were there so basically we are either stuck with each other or will spend the rest of our lives finding someone else whose names start with “K” and “A.” I have a good friend who makes this a priority with her husband at least once a year. Her words “I want us to still like each other when the kids are grown and gone.” I realize it may not be an option to do this because of time, money, babysitters, etc.. but if the chance comes up, grab it with both hands and run to the beach!!

Another thing that has really boosted our marriage is attending church together. Plain and simple. It makes a difference. Not just with us, but with our family in general.

Matthew 19: 5-6, For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate

10th anniversary trip to Key West

10th anniversary tattoos


This is a biggie! If you hang out with unhappy people who constantly complain about their significant others, suddenly you may start to complain about your spouse. It’s a little bit contagious. When someone tells you repeatedly about that thing her husband does that drives her crazy, suddenly you may realize your husband has a thing.  Now, before I go any further, let me just say, nothing beats a good vent to a friend when necessary! Been there done that (last week as a matter of fact!!) Just make sure it’s a vent session – get it out and move on. Don’t stew. This is a good rule of thumb for people in general. Of course, taking it to the source is important. If you only vent to friends and never to your spouse, he/she may not realize how upset you are about that thing. I’ve been mad at my husband for days, then eventually realized I had never talked to him about my frustration. I had only stewed about it or talked about it to other people. Turns out he is not a mind reader, even though it seemed pretty obvious to me!

Collectively, our parents have been married for a LONG time – roughly 94 years! Then add in all the aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, and friends, and it works out to a whole lot of years of marriage. Surrounding yourself with happy couples who model a good relationship is so awesome! Learn from them! Also keep in mind no two marriages are alike. Don’t get stuck in the comparison trap. Just because another couple does something, doesn’t mean it will work for you. But it might give you some ideas and insight into your own relationship.



This one is a toughie! When your husband is being a jerk, it’s easy to be a jerk right back. But that usually doesn’t get you very far. Be the cycle breaker. Be nice! When months have passed with no nice gestures, be the first to break the cycle and do something nice. Do something nice for your spouse and they will be more inclined to do something nice back. I have found just like complaining, this is also contagious. Opposite of what the world tells us, be the one to give in and give more. It’s not always easy (14 years later I am STILL working on this one) but it’s worth it! If you always put each other first, there won’t be much to argue about!


When we first met, my husband laid it on thick. He was always giving me compliments, saying nice things, and super affectionate.

Fast forward 14 years. Eh.

Just kidding. He still does nice things – the other day he brought me home flowers for no reason. Super thoughtful and totally made my day! The nice gestures and compliments are a little more spread out but they sure are appreciated. Years ago we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Now, some days we have to keep our hands to ourselves so we don’t strangle each other! Time will do that to you! But it sure is nice to think back to the honeymoon phase. It is a good reminder of why we fell in love.

Look at old pictures. Revisit your first date spot. Reminisce!


Live happily ever after!

Health benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

*This post contains affiliate links. 

Aloe vera juice has become one of my go-to drinks thanks to its many health benefits. Before I jumped on the health food train, I thought aloe was only for topical use when you had a sunburn! Wrong! When my practitioner suggested I drink some aloe vera juice, I said, “Oh great, I already have some at home. I keep it with my sunscreen.” She gave me an odd look and was probably thinking Oh geez, this lady is going to need some serious hand holding. And she was right! I have learned so many things along the way, including the importance of knowing the difference between food grade and non-food grade aloe vera juice. More on that in a minute. But first – the health benefits I have experienced:

Healthy Digestion

Aloe vera juice is great for your belly! I use it on a regular basis to maintain a healthy digestion. It’s great for an upset stomach and is also very hydrating. I am not a fan of drinking it straight so I recommend mixing 1-2 tablespoons with a little bit of grape juice or cranberry juice

Cooling Effects

I am primarily pitta which means I need help staying cool. When my pitta headache strikes, aloe vera is one ingredient in my cooling tea. You can read more on pitta and find that recipe here. I use this Aloe Vera Gel for my tea, sunburns, and red skin. Just make sure you are not ingesting the aloe you find by sunscreen because that is NOT food grade!

Clears Skin

My skin tone tends to be on the red side, so aloe has helped minimize redness. In the summer I keep a big ole’ jug of aloe vera juice in the shower and will literally rinse with it on super hot days. Other times, I apply some gel on my face with a cotton ball. This reduces redness and evens out my skin tone. You can find the big ole’ jug of Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet on Amazon.

When purchasing, always look for “inner fillet.” Steer clear of “whole leaf” aloe. Some studies found a compound called Aloin in whole leaf aloe, which can be harmful. My favorite brand is Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Juice . This is my go-to for drinking daily in the summer and 2-3 times a week in cooler seasons.

Give it a try. Just be careful if you have low blood pressure. Aloe can help lower blood pressure, so if yours is already on the low side, take it easy!

Let me know what you think!

My Acupuncture Experience Part 2

After 6 acupuncture visits, I have so much to share about my success!

I’ve had 3 more visits since my first acupuncture post, which you can read here.

Treatment #4: Sinuses, Walk Between, and Middle Rushing points.

This visit was the first time I felt scared when he explained the treatment. I was sweating on the table paper for sure! 2 needles went into my eyebrows. My eyebrows! What?! I was so nervous. This is supposed to help with my sinuses. Eek. It wasn’t that bad, even though I was prepared for the worst. The right side was more noticeable than the left.

Walk Between is a point on your foot. This is on the liver meridian and helps to eliminate heat from the body. This is exactly what I needed because I have had a pitta headache for over a week. (If you have no idea what a pitta headache is, read this. The walk between point can also help with sudden anger, tension, and headache in or above the eyes, which is exactly how I would describe my pitta headaches. It gives me a very full and heavy feeling in my head with burning eyes. This point can help you be flexible with plans and adapt if things don’t go quite the way you anticipated. The doctor explained it like walking between two people or two situations and feeling like you are unable to please both sides. Been there. Done that!

Middle Rushing point was on my finger and this one did not feel good. Ouch. This is the first time acupuncture HURT. Luckily it only lasted for a few seconds and then the pain was gone. The needle went in my middle finger near the base of my nail. This point clears heat from the heart and pericardium. It helps with relationships and brings vision and clarity to the heart. After this treatment my headaches improved about 90% and my mood is great!

Treatment #5: Lesser mansion

This one was also high up on the pain scale. They should name it sweaty table paper because that was the result! It’s a spot on the heart meridian on the palm of the hand. It’s used to clear heart fire and calm mental agitation. A few other needles were inserted into my ankle and arms as well, but honestly, I was so distracted by the palm needles, I forgot to pay attention to the other points and locations! Despite the discomfort during this visit, my mood has been great since this treatment. I find myself having a lot more patience with my husband and kids.

Treatment #6 Walk Between, Happy Calm, Supreme Surge, and neck/shoulder points

He repeated the walk between point which seems to be very effective for me.

Near the Walk Between point is Happy Calm, a point on the liver meridian. Don’t you just love the name of this one?! Who doesn’t want to experience a happy calm? This point is similar to the Walk Between point because it clears liver heat/fire, removes frustration and stagnation, and calms anger.

It smooths and regulates energy which brings you into balance. It helps with painful, burning eyes (recurring issue for me) headache, sinus issues, and can help detox the liver from alcohol. Since I went camping last weekend and had a few adult beverages, this was a nice little bonus!

Supreme Surge is a point on the heart meridian, located on the pinky finger by the base of the nail. Not a great feeler for sure, but it works well to calm the mind and clear heat. Notice the theme? Too much heat is an issue for me and acupuncture has been so helpful!

He also put 3-4 needles on various points on my neck and back to help with tension, which is a big contributor to my headaches. I tend to carry all my stress in my upper back/neck area.

After acupuncture I am usually tired. The times I’ve rested afterward seem to be the most effective. Coincidence? Not sure?

I have started going once a month instead of twice a month. So far so good. I was worried I would start to regress by spreading out my appointments, but my mood is still great. My PMS has improved a little and I feel happier all around!

I’m so thrilled with my results! Has anyone else tried acupuncture? If so, I want to hear about it!! If you want to try it, but haven’t yet, let me know your questions or concerns. I’m certainly no expert but I would be glad to share more about my experience!