
Drinking water (and a lot of it) is one of the best habits I have developed. Like any good habit, it’s hard to stick with it 100% of the time. I drink water every day, but not always enough. When I drink a sufficient amount of water, the benefits are so noticeable. I have more energy and am able to get out of bed a lot easier in the morning. My skin looks and feels better and my muscle tension is nearly gone.
So how much is enough? There are so many different recommendations out there. Drink 8 glasses a day. Drink half your body weight a day. Drink a gallon a day. I think it depends on the person. For me, 50-60 ounces a day on a regular basis is enough to make me feel great. (Sadly neither of those are quite half my body weight) I notice the benefits almost immediately! On the flip side, I quickly start to suffer when I don’t drink enough. Last week I completely slacked on drinking water. There were a few days I barely had 2 glasses of water. My shoulders were killing me. I hold a lot of tension in my upper back/neck/shoulder area. If I don’t drink enough water, I feel it there so quickly. My stomach hurt. I felt like anything I ate just sat there & didn’t move. I was more tired than normal and had a headache several days.
There are so many benefits to drinking water that it’s kind of silly to NOT do it:

  • Increase energy
  • Aid Weight loss
  • Improve skin
  • Flush out toxins/Kidney health
  • Maintain regular bowel function

Invest in a good water bottle (I prefer glass) I make sure it’s filled up each morning before I leave the house, and fill it up again before I leave work. It’s a 16 oz bottle, so drinking those 2 get me half way to my daily goal. I try to stop drinking by 7:00 or 8:00 pm or else I’m up going to bathroom a few times at night. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink! Michigan summers are hot & humid. It’s easy to get dehydrated quickly so stay ahead of the game!

What’s your Dosha?

In Ayurveda, there are 3 main doshas: Pitta (fire and water) Vata (air and space) and Kapha (earth and water). Doshas are energies that govern your body.  When these doshas are in balance, you will feel healthy and great. When they are out of balance, you will experience symptoms and problems. Each person is made up of all 3 doshas, but one or two will be dominate. There are characteristics and qualities for each dosha.


Vata governs the nervous system and is responsible for movement: Blood flow, circulation, respiration, etc…

Qualities of Vata:

  • Cold
  • Irregular
  • Moving
  • Rough
  • Dry
  • Light
  • Changeable
  • Quick

People with vata as a primary dosha tend to be on the go since movement and change are part of their nature. They have creative and energetic minds, thin, light, and agile body types with dry skin and hair, cold hands and feet, and sensitive digestion. Vata types are quick to anger yet quick to forgive.  When vata is out of balance, anxiety, fear, insomnia, racing mind, bloating, gas, difficulty tolerating cold temperatures or loud noises, and weight loss  are common symptoms. I seriously experience every single one of these when I’m out of balance – well, except weight loss of course, the one symptom I wouldn’t mind. 

To keep vata in balance: choose things with the opposite qualities as listed above – things that are warming, stable, and consistent. Food should be oily, warming, and heavy. Vata pacifying foods are sweet, sour, and salty. Minimize astringent foods such as raw vegetables when vata is excessive. Don’t skip meals, stick to a routine, go to bed earlier, give yourself a daily massage, and do yoga and meditate when possible. Ginger tea is a good choice, especially during cooler weather.


Pitta is responsible for transformation in the body: metabolism, digestion, appetite, etc…
Qualities of Pitta:

  • Hot
  • Sharp
  • Oily
  • Intense
  • Liquid

Pitta doshas are typically medium, strong build with assertive, focused, organized, and passionate personalities. Everyone hates them because they can eat anything thanks to their excellent digestion. Ha. They have a lot of energy and can be good decision makers due to their sharp-witted, direct personality.
When pitta is out of balance, frustration & anger, rash, inflammation, nausea, uncomfortable feeling of heat in the body, impatience, and red or inflamed eyes are common symptoms. Avoid spicy foods and eat more veggies to keep pitta in balance.


Kapha governs the immune system and growth in the body: Strength, stability, etc…
Qualities of Kapha:

  • Heavy
  • Slow
  • Solid
  • Cold

Kapha doshas have strong build and are calm by nature. They have thick hair and sleep soundly.
When kapha is out of balance, symptoms include envy and insecurity, stubbornness, weight gain, and fluid retention. Avoid nuts, rice, and wheat when kapha is excessive.

What’s Your Dosha?

Before we go any further, what dosha are you? Take this quiz to find out!


Ok, so…what is your primary dosha? Mine is pitta/vata. My husband is kapha. My kids are pitta/vata.
I was skeptical at first, but the more I heard, read, and learned, the more I recognized when I was out of balance. For me, I know my pitta is out of control when I get severe shoulder and neck tension and burning eyes. These almost always go together for me. Heat behind my eyes usually leads to a headache. This is the worst right before I start my period.  I know my vata is out of whack when I get an upset stomach, non-existent digestion, and super gassy. Sorry, too much? I also worry. A LOT. ABOUT EVERYTHING!

My Ayurveda Toolbox

Since I am primarily pitta/vata, those are 2 I know the most about. Here is what’s in my toolbox:

-Coconut oil (Since I’m pitta Sunflower oil would be better, but I just don’t like it as well. The wrong oil is better than no oil in my opinion) Costco has great deals on Kirkland brand Coconut oil. It’s a staple item in my bathroom.  Instead of lotion I use coconut oil, especially right before bed, head to toe.
Resperate If you know me you have heard me talk about this contraption. You strap the sensor around your belly and it detects your breathing, then guides you to take long, deep breaths. It helps lower blood pressure and reduce stress.
Super Nasya nose oil. This has been life changing for my sinus issues. 2 drops in each nostril before bed does the trick! Way less drying and irritating than nasal spray!
-Hibiscus Tea (Pitta tea) When my eyes burn (heat behind my eyes) and shoulder tension creeps in, I know it’s time for my Pitta tea. My friends think I’m crazy when I talk about my pitta heat, but I have learned to recognize this early on and this tea really helps!  I brew Tazo Passion tea and mix with Pomegranate juice, aloe vera gel, and lime juice. I keep a batch in the fridge so it’s on hand and ready. During warm weather I drink a glass every day.
-Herbs. I have a handful of herbs I use to stay in balance. I get most of my herbs from Banyan Botanicals or Mapi.com. Shop with caution. Peeking around on these sites will make you want to order about 500 different things because they all sound like just what you need! Consult a professional for some guidance. I have found some thing were unknowingly heating so they made my pitta worse.  Tranquil Mind is one of my favorites.
Even though I am not living 100% Ayurveda, I am a believer in dosha balance. In the last 5 years I have learned to recognize an imbalance and what to do about it. Some things are little over the top in my opinion (for example: yogurt and yeast infections) You don’t want to know. Trust me! But many of the things I have learned are so simple and so practical. Get yourself in balance & you will feel amazing!

My Favorite Friendship Tradition

One of my favorite blessings is the gift of friendship. Life would be so different without my friends! I have all kinds of friends. Old friends. New friends. Mom friends. School friends. Workout friends. Sports mom friends. Couple friends. They all perfectly complete my little circle of friendship that I cherish!
The bible tells us a few things about friendship.

  • It tells us who we should hang out with:
    • Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
  • It tells us how we should treat our friends:
    • John 15:12-15 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater Love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

Job went through some tough times when he lost everything! His friends wanted to be there for him. I give them a lot of credit. It was complicated to be there for a friend way back then compared to current day. No text messaging or phone calls. No Facebook messaging.
Job 2:11 When Job’s three friends Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite, heard about all the troubles that had come upon him, they set out from their homes and met together by agreement to go and symphathize with him and comfort him.
I appreciate my friends that help me out when I am going through a tough time. On the flip side, some of my favorite memories are good times with my friends. If you have been blessed with long standing friendships then you have probably developed some traditions. I have a clear front runner that I commonly refer to as my Christmas Day! Why? Because I can’t sleep the night before due to anticipation, yet I still wake up refreshed and jumping out of bed because I can’t wait!
For about 15 years now, my friends and I spend a day away and go to Shipshewana, Indiana. It’s an Amish town about 2 hours from home. They have a giant flea market (actually the largest in the Midwest) and cute downtown shops. Strategically placed a little over half way in between my house & this giant flee market is an outlet mall. Coincidence? I think not! This place is never busy, has great deals, and a couple of our favorite stores.
A little bit about this tradition… It started years ago as a friend trip, but for me Shipshewana memories reach back even farther. I remember going with my family as a kid. As a teenage I went with these same friends and their parents. The mix of friends changes a little from year to year, but 3 things remain consistent:
*Erin & I are always there together.
*We always laugh a lot and have a great time together.
*The day ALWAYS flies by even though we head out early and get home late.
We plan our day around the weather. The flea market has very little shade & it gets HOT so we try to start early. The drive there is full of laughs and each year is a new adventure. One year we rescued a stray dog on the side of the road. Another year I went while pregnant (against my doctor’s wishes) and had feet so swollen by 9:00 am I could hardly walk. Even though it’s a day full of shopping, that is NOT the highlight of the trip. Don’t get me wrong, I love to shop! But since the flea market is only open Tuesdays and Wednesdays, we get a day off in the middle of the work week. No kids or husbands. We usually go shortly after school gets outs, which means we are all in need of a break! This day away with friends completely recharges my batteries.
There is something about the Amish country that puts you in another time zone. Life moves a little slower. Responsibilities are put on hold. The drive is full of farm fields and small town restaurants. We’ve made the drive so many times we no longer need GPS. We just know the way. Houses along the route look familiar now.
Amish traffic 🙂
I think this picture captures the Amish lifestyle well!
There is the thrill of the hunt (sunglasses, purses, dresses) It varies each year. There is usually a new and exciting theme and/or item. This year was windmills and succulents. Love them both!
Parking lot selfie – this year was just Erin and I!
Erin & I #2018
Part 1 of the plant aisle
We always start off in the plant aisle, even though we swear we will NOT buy any plants. We always buy plants. Here’s my plants enjoying their new home in my backyard.

I’m not sure why we didn’t buy these What-A-Seats since we spend so much time watching ballgames!
The search for a yard spinner continues.
Lots of interesting hat choices …
Believe it or not my kids wanted crocks this year.
We find a variety of junk that we don’t need throughout the day. We take FOREVER to get through the first couple of aisles, drop our first load of junk at the car, then stop for lunch.
Load 1 drop off – the $5 giant footballs were a total hit!
The absolute BEST BBQ potatoes and Rhubarb custard pie you will ever find.
After more shopping we eat again because their pretzels are too good to pass up. They are homemade and they taste AMAZING! So amazing that we forgot to take a picture before we dug in!

The kids can’t wait to see their new junk! Bo loved the back scratcher. The kids has an itchy back every morning so this will get a lot of use!
I wish we would have taken more pictures in previous trips. At the time I don’t think we realized this would become such a prized tradition. So grab your girlfriends. Go for a day trip. Make memories. Start a tradition! I promise you will be glad you did! And don’t forget to take a lot of pictures!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.