Sunday afternoon. 3 pm. Got home early (rain out) after 2 days of non-stop softball. I almost made it through the weekend without eating concession food. (I just can’t pass up a corn dog when I see one…and popcorn…and skittles) Sigh. We also camped this weekend so I ate s’mores and lots of other “camping food.”
I needed groceries so we were skinny on dinner choices. I found a recipe for Roasted Chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans) and just so happened to have a can in the pantry. I love it when that happens! I got the recipe from the How Not To Die Cookbook. Surprisingly good! I could almost use them as a chip substitute when I crave something crunchy.
My photo is boring. Honestly I didn’t have enough energy left in me to be creative or clean up the counter first. There are several other recipes out there (Pinterest) but most use oil which I’m trying to cut down on. This recipe called for date syrup which I actually made myself and it was super easy. Blend pitted dates, water, and lemon juice. Viola. Date syrup. I over cooked them slightly but I liked them a little more crispy. So, if you’re craving something crunchy, give it a try. Super quick and easy.
Food Prep-xpert
Life goal…To stock my fridge like this every week and be a food prep expert! Right now it takes divine intervention to find time to prep food for the week. It’s softball season which means I spend very little time at home. Thanks to a rainy evening, games were cancelled so I had a few minutes in the kitchen this week. If I don’t make time, healthy eating becomes an extreme challenge.
Two words. Concessions stand.
Sunday my kid ate Skittles for breakfast and washed those down with a Gatorade and a salted pretzel with cheese. Sigh.
Let’s talk about food prep…
Thank you for the video Emily – my lovely assistant/daughter!
Planning healthy snacks ahead=less trips to the concession stand. Since time is of the essence, I have learned a few tricks to make my food prep attempts a little more successful.
Step 1- Plan ahead. I used to aimlessly wander the grocery store and buy whatever. Now I plan meals for the week (Thanks Pinterest!) This way I can take inventory of what I need and make a list for everything else. Sometimes this is hard because on sports nights (aka every night) we either eat super early or super late. I usually make ahead or plan crock pot meals during this time of year.
Step 2- Prep my food as soon as I get home. If I don’t do this, I end up wasting food. If fruits and vegetables aren’t cut up and ready to go, they are less likely to get eaten. The fridge is a death trap for uncut veggies! I try to brown meat or cut up chicken ahead of time whenever possible as well.
Step 3: Multi-task. On grocery days, I usually cook dinner while I’m food prepping, helping with homework, and playing catch with my son. Yes. I have done all 4 of those things at once, but I wouldn’t recommend it. (I rarely do one thing at a time) As I am typing this, I am making lasagna for dinner tomorrow since I won’t have time to cook it before we have to eat and run! Even though my crock pot has a timer and will switch to a “warm” setting, the late night dinners end up mushy. So instead I put dinner in the crock pot before bed the night before. (Do NOT tell my mom. She thinks this is a fire hazard. Seriously.) When my husband wakes up at 4:00 am, he turns it off. By the time I leave at 7:00 am, it’s cooled down so I can put it in the fridge. Now it’s ready to eat later or the next day. We reheat a lot. While it’s not always ideal, I figure a decent meal reheated the next day will still taste better than fast food!
If you don’t do any food prep right now, it’s pretty easy to get started. A couple of my must have items:
-Ziploc divided rectangle food containers and a variety of smaller food containers
-Jello shot cups (I’m sure there is a more legit name for these)
-Food: nuts, fruit, cheese, boiled eggs, salad, hummus, veggies, and more
Some of my favorite combos:
– Aussie Bites, fresh fruit, celery and peanut butter
– Organics Superfood Power Snacks, Nuts, fresh fruit, salad with dressing and egg
-Hard boiled egg, veggies, hummus
-Cheese, crackers, fresh fruit
-Apples, peanut butter, nuts
The jello shot containers come in really handy for dressing, hummus, peanut butter, and nuts. I use the smaller containers for fruit and veggies. My kids like to grab those for a quick snack and then leave the containers wherever they are at that moment in time. Soooooo I end up buying these way too often. I just ordered reusable/washable snack bags from my daughter’s school fundraiser, so I am excited to try those out and maybe save a few bucks.
There are so many options! These are just a few I have tried. What are some of your food prep tips or favorites combinations?
Define success
Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
What is the definition of “success?”
The dictionary says success is “The accomplishment of an aim or purpose, the attainment of popularity or profit, a person or thing that achieves desired alms or attains prosperity.
Synonyms includes: favorable outcome, successfulness, triumph, Hollywood ending, prosperity, affluence, wealth, riches, opulence, blockbuster.
Based on the dictionary definition, I consider myself successful when I have a profitable month at work, stay on top of our crazy schedule, and have a little money left at the end of my paycheck. Sometimes at home, success looks like having everyone fed, bathed, and clothed… Basic answer but many times we are so busy that just accomplishing those 3 things seems like a feat! I consider my kids a success when they get good grades, do well in sports, and act responsible. My husband considers a successful hunt one that ends with a trophy buck hanging on the wall.
What if we change the question? Instead of the dictionary definition, what if we ask…
How does God define success?
1 Kings 2:3 says success is to “keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his rules, and his testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn.”
Proverbs 3:1-4 says “My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.”
I am not a bible expert, but I have yet to find a verse that says making a lot of money or being famous makes you successful. Don’t get me wrong – who doesn’t want to be good at what they do and make a lot of money doing it? But profit should not be our first priority. Using the talents God has given us to let Him shine through is the foundation of success. If you are a hard-working business man who is great at making money – good for you. But what do you do with that money? Do you hoard it? Buy more stuff? Act stingy? Do you spend every waking moment earning that money? So much that your family life suffers? Or do you use that money for good? Donate your money to a worthy cause? Help those in need? Do you bring glory to God with the use of your money? What if you are an aspiring actress that goes to Hollywood and makes it on the big screen? Do you use your fame in a positive way that will give glory to God? Are you setting a good example for all the teenagers who look up to you and want to be just like you?
We were made to work – just like Adam in the garden. We all have unique talents & thank God for that!
What if we were all good at the same thing?
Diversity is essential!
What if there were no gas station attendants or fast food workers? We often think of those as menial, unimportant jobs. But without gas stations, there would be no road trips, no vacations, and no getting back & forth to work. Can you glorify God by working at a gas station? Absolutely. Start with the golden rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. It’s hard to be a Christ follower and not follow this one basic, age-old rule. Treating others with respect is a great way to let God’s love shine through. Even if it’s behind a cash register at a gas station. There is a crossing guard on the corner by my daughter’s school each morning. Every single day he waves at every single car with a smile. Sadly, not everyone waves and smiles back. But he keeps on waving and smiling! If it bothers him, you can’t tell!
ANYONE can give glory to God. Not just “church” people. Glorifying God means to acknowledge His greatness and give Him honor by praising and worshiping Him.* Why give Him glory? Well, he’s God! He made us. He made everything. Without Him we wouldn’t have ANY success. It all points back to Him and acknowledging this is a great start to being successful.
Step one? Determine which definition of “success” you want to achieve. The worldly definition is tempting. I mean honestly, who doesn’t want a Hollywood ending? But what happens when your life in this world is over and you move on to the next? 100 years on this Earth are a split second in time compared to an eternity in the next life.
When you stand before God, do you think he will ask you…
“How much money did you make?”
“Name the last 3 large accounts you wrote.”
“Provide a copy of your bank statement.”
“Show me your child’s report card.”
“What kind of car did you drive?”
“Square footage of your house?”
“How popular were you in school?”
“Did people think you were pretty?”
-There is a big difference between “wealth” and “success” yet they are synonyms in the dictionary. Interesting!
Oswald Chambers said worship is when you give your best to God. The person doing the most with what they have been given is truly successful.
How well do you use the talents you have received? What is your ratio for talents received and talents used? Have you ever asked yourself that? I look at my oldest daughter and smile because she scores 100% on this! She uses her many God-given talents – especially her musical talent. She has a beautiful voice, sings in the church choir, and her solos & duets bring tears to my eyes every time. My theory? I know this is one of her many God given talents because she does not get nervous or anxious – she just does it! I would have a panic attack if I had to sing in front of everyone at church (not to mention glass would shatter) Singing is NOT one of my God given talents & that is ok! Remember, diversity is important! She plays the clarinet – loves it and does great. (First chair might I add!) She uses her God given abilities to the fullest and that is fun to see. That is success!
All year we have an opportunity to set goals, not just when the New Year is right around the corner. How can you let go of worldly success and focus on Godly success? What does this look like in your life? If you aren’t sure, pray about it. Ask God to show you. Listen for God’s answer. Follow through in action. 3 simple steps: Ask, Listen, Follow through!
Deuteronomy 8:18 “You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who give you power to get wealth”