3 Surprisingly Good Green Protein Smoothie Recipes

Green Smoothie Recipes

I am finally getting tired of the same ole’ protein shake recipes. (I’m using the plural form of the word but I really only have one!) Each morning I drink the same mixture for breakfast which you can read about here. In an effort to change things up, I would like to add some greens to my routine. In the past I have tried this but they tasted very GREEN. After trial and error, I have found a few surprisingly good recipes!


Every time I drink this, one word comes to mind. SMOOTH. It just tastes so smooth!


Smooth is the word that comes to mind with every drink! It’s a great stepping stone into the world of green smoothies because you can hardly taste the spinach. This was probably my favorite!

  • 1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 cup Frozen or fresh mango (if using fresh mango, add a few ice cubes )
  • 1-2 cups Spinach
  • 1/2 Banana
  • 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
  1. Blend all ingredients. Add ice for a slushie texture. Enjoy!



The greens taste hidden in this purple smoothie, thanks to the berries. It’s a great recipe to add some Flax or Chia seeds to as well.  

  • 1 scoop Vanilla protein powder
  • 4 slices Avocado
  • 1 handful berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries)
  • 1 handful spinach
  • 1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 handful ice cubes
  • 1 tsp flax seed or chia seeds (optional )
  1. Blend all ingredients and Enjoy!



Pear Apple Smoothie

Another smooth recipe that hides that green taste. If you want to thicken it up a bit, add some oats. 

  • 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
  • 1 handful Spinach or mixed greens
  • 1/2 Pear (cored)
  • 1/2 Apple (cored)
  • 2-3 ice cubes
  • 1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  1. Blend all ingredients and Enjoy!

Let me know what you think!