Day 101

Today is DAY 101!

My 101st day of reading the Bible.

Every morning when I wake up, before I officially start my day, I read the Bible.

Some days are easier than others. Often times I doze off and have to start over. I mean, this does take place at 5:20am so cut me some slack!!

I have skipped a couple mornings (maybe 2 or 3) but otherwise this has been a pretty steady new habit.


I am using a chronological reading plan. To be very honest, the first 60 days or so were a struggle. Have you read Numbers?! But, I am proud to say I stuck with it!


I read the chapters assigned for that day, then I listen to the Bible Recap podcast. This is a good 5-7 minute summary that helps me understand what I read.

After that I follow up with reading the First 5 app. This is a daily devotional style app that explains several books of the Bible.

*Read the Bible
*Listen to the Bible Recap podcast
*Read First 5 app

The whole process takes me about 40 minutes.

If you want to really dig deep, read the Bible chapters in a couple of different translations. Right now, I just can’t get up any earlier. So, my plan is to read through the whole Bible in one translation, then once I am done, start again in a different translation. #goals

This is 40 minutes of time that have a very good payoff! If you aren’t reading the Bible now, I highly suggest you start!