Color-coded Bible verses

It has taken some time, but I finally have a color-coded plan for Bible study. It works well for me and is easy to remember.To get started you will need:

* A Bible

If you prefer digital, check it Olive Tree or You Version apps. Those are my favorite.

If you prefer a good ole’ fashioned paper Bible, I really like this NIV version from Amazon.


I purchased a great set on Amazon that does not bleed through.

*Page tabs

Believe it or not, I purchased these on Amazon (notice a pattern here?)

Side note – Because the highlighter set doesn’t have a great shade of red, I use a red colored pencil instead.

Once you have all your supplies, come up with a color scheme. Mine works well because the same colors are available on my digital Bible so I have uniformity.

Here’s my color color codes. I keep these on note cards in my Bible.

Start with the stop light method

Green – commands, advice, growth, wisdom, teaching, money (simply threw in money because it is green)

Yellow– worry, anxiety, doubt, fear (things that should make us pause)

Red- devil, evil, satan, false prophets, hell, temptation (things we should stop and avoid)Pretty basic concept.

Green means go! Follow these verses and live them out.

Yellow means pause. Are you worried? Slow down and redirect your focus.

Red means stop. Turn away from temptations and evil.

In addition the to stoplight colors, I have a few others:

Blue – work, God’s will, heaven, miracles, prophesy

Purple – marriage, relationships, family, people, prophets

Orange – God, Jesus, Holy spirit, attributes of God

Pink – prayer, praise, promises, peace, love, joy, kindness, mercy, grace, forgiveness

Of course, many verses overlap and could fit multiple colors. There is no right or wrong here!

When I find a verse I want to highlight, I think about what category it fits best, highlight it with that color, and then attach a page tab in the same color. This makes it easier to search your Bible based on topic.

If we use one of my favorite verses as an example:

Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.I

I highlighted this green because I think it is great advice I want to follow.

Next, I put a green tab on the page. Because it is a favorite that I like to read often, I labeled the tab Proverbs 3: 5-6

This plan works well for me, but there is no right or wrong. If you don’t have a system in place, give it a try!

I highly recommend a big, lazy dog to join you during your study time.