Food/Body part resemblance: Series – Part 1

I find it so fascinating that many foods we eat look like the body part they benefit. It’s like God is giving us visual clues. “Here simple humans. I’ll make it obvious!”

Because there are so many, I decided to make this topic a series!

Kidney beans

This is an obvious one. Kidney beans look like kidneys. They are a great source of fiber, plant based protein, and iron just to name a few. They can also help lower blood pressure. The flip side: gas! I’m sure everyone remembers the bean song- “Beans, beans, the musical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot.” So eat in moderation and avoid on your first date!

With cooler weather on the horizon in Michigan, chili will start making its way into our kitchens. I use a variety of kidney beans in my chili.

Kim’s chili recipe

1 can light red kidney beans

1 can dark red kidney beans

1 can mild chili beans (hot if prefer spicy)

1 can pinto beans

1 jar low sodium tomato juice

1 onion, chopped

1 lb lean ground beef

1 can corn

1 packet chili seasoning

Brown the meat and drain. Mix all ingredients into a crockpot and cook on low for 4-6 hours. My favorite way to eat chili? With crushed up nacho cheese doritos. Yum.


Ginger is great for digestion. I buy Ginger root and boil it in a pot of water for about 10 minutes. I love to mix this in with other tea. If you have an upset stomach or sluggish disgestion, ginger is a great remedy. It is also good for nausea as well and has some anti-inflammatory properties. No surprise here since it resembles the stomach/intestines!

Ginger tea recipe

Ginger root (whole or peeled)

12-16 ounces of water

Boil a pot of water with ginger root for 10-15 minutes. Let cool and store any unused tea in the refrigerator.

Red wine

Red, red wine. Classic song! Are you singing it yet? Who knew red wine can be good for you – in particular your blood and heart.

A glass or two of red wine can raise your HDL (good cholesterol) and lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) which can help unclog arteries.

Resveratrol is a key ingredient in red wine that could prevent damage to blood vessels.

Bummer for me, I prefer white wine. But I do try to work in a glass of red from time to time. Like most things, moderation is key. While 1-2 glasses a day could be beneficial, 1-2 bottles a day is probably overkill! Just sayin’


Walnuts look like and benefit the human brain. They are rich in Omega 3 which helps promote brain health. Some studies have shown walnuts prevent cancer and are full of antioxidants. They are especially high in Vitamin E. Like most nuts, they are high in “good fat.” Just watch your serving size – a handful (about a 1/4 cup) is typical.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the series coming up in a few weeks!

Health benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

*This post contains affiliate links. 

Aloe vera juice has become one of my go-to drinks thanks to its many health benefits. Before I jumped on the health food train, I thought aloe was only for topical use when you had a sunburn! Wrong! When my practitioner suggested I drink some aloe vera juice, I said, “Oh great, I already have some at home. I keep it with my sunscreen.” She gave me an odd look and was probably thinking Oh geez, this lady is going to need some serious hand holding. And she was right! I have learned so many things along the way, including the importance of knowing the difference between food grade and non-food grade aloe vera juice. More on that in a minute. But first – the health benefits I have experienced:

Healthy Digestion

Aloe vera juice is great for your belly! I use it on a regular basis to maintain a healthy digestion. It’s great for an upset stomach and is also very hydrating. I am not a fan of drinking it straight so I recommend mixing 1-2 tablespoons with a little bit of grape juice or cranberry juice

Cooling Effects

I am primarily pitta which means I need help staying cool. When my pitta headache strikes, aloe vera is one ingredient in my cooling tea. You can read more on pitta and find that recipe here. I use this Aloe Vera Gel for my tea, sunburns, and red skin. Just make sure you are not ingesting the aloe you find by sunscreen because that is NOT food grade!

Clears Skin

My skin tone tends to be on the red side, so aloe has helped minimize redness. In the summer I keep a big ole’ jug of aloe vera juice in the shower and will literally rinse with it on super hot days. Other times, I apply some gel on my face with a cotton ball. This reduces redness and evens out my skin tone. You can find the big ole’ jug of Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet on Amazon.

When purchasing, always look for “inner fillet.” Steer clear of “whole leaf” aloe. Some studies found a compound called Aloin in whole leaf aloe, which can be harmful. My favorite brand is Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Juice . This is my go-to for drinking daily in the summer and 2-3 times a week in cooler seasons.

Give it a try. Just be careful if you have low blood pressure. Aloe can help lower blood pressure, so if yours is already on the low side, take it easy!

Let me know what you think!