Must Read Books

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One of my favorite things to do is read. I work it in as much as possible. If only I could just quit my job and get paid to read, I would be all set! I love to read books for fun, but lately I have had an urge and desire to read for knowledge. Since time is NOT on my side, I have to get creative in how to make this happen. It is worth the effort since reading makes us smarter, improves our vocabulary, exercises our brains, and reduces stress!

If I get involved in a book, I mean REALLY involved, I don’t sleep. I will stay up until 1 am or later reading, telling myself I will stop after 1 more chapter. Then I keep going… You get the idea. My kids have actually gotten in “trouble” for this. I really hope reading late into the night is the worst thing I catch them doing! Wishful thinking, I know.

Hoopla is an app I discovered last year. You can download up to 12 free books a month. I ALWAYS check here first before I check the library or buy a book on Amazon. It most likely won’t have everything you are looking for, and sometimes it is only in the form of an audiobook, but it’s a good place to check first. All you need is a library card from a participating library! My Kindle app is one of my most prized possessions so I’m already used to e-books. If you like to read an actual book, this might not be the best option for you. Although it’s hard to beat free!


Jodi Picoult 
Lisa Genova 
Liane Moriarty 
Kristin Hannah 
James Patterson

LOVE these authors, but I have a lot of goodies from others I’ve read in the last year as well…

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (totally cried & still haven’t seen the movie)

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel by Garth Stein (cried)

This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper (super funny – movie is good too)

Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate (Cried. A lot. This one was hard for me to read because it was so sad!)

If you’re looking to laugh and cry, these books are a good place to start!


After listening to Robert O’Neill speak in California a few years ago, I read his book The Operator: Firing the Shots that Killed Osama bin Laden and My Years as a SEAL Team Warrior and then Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell. I have a thing for military stories! I also LOVED Miracle on Voodoo Mountain by Megan Boudreaux. She has an AMAZING story to tell!

Not a Fan , Gods at War by Kyle Idleman and AHA: The God Moment That Changes Everything by David Cook. I read these books several years ago and would love to re-read them again now that I am at a different (and better) place spiritually. Ridiculous Faith and Love, Skip, Jump are two really inspirational books by Shelene Bryan.

I have also read a variety of devotional series and of course the Bible. I try to work in a bible study every now and then. Faith Gateway has some great options. Recently I actually completed one from start to finish (kind of rare for me since I’m all over the place) Goliath Must Fall was very helpful with my anxiety and worry. Even though the study is over, the book is worth reading!

The kids and I read a devotional every morning on the way to school. I have 2 favs – The Purpose Driven Life Devotional for Kids and One God, One Plan, One Life which you can read more about in my back to school post here.

For every book I’ve read, I have an equal amount of books I have downloaded and NOT read. Some have been sitting there patiently waiting to be read for months (ok fine, years!) I have the best of intentions! Really! That list will come later!

The bottom line: there are not enough hours in the day! I would love to read more than time allows. Reading is food for the brain. Just like our normal diet, we fill our brain with junk when we read junk so I try to balance what I read!  What are some of your favorite books?

Define success

Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

What is the definition of “success?”

The dictionary says success is “The accomplishment of an aim or purpose, the attainment of popularity or profit, a person or thing that achieves desired alms or attains prosperity.

Synonyms includes: favorable outcome, successfulness, triumph, Hollywood ending, prosperity, affluence, wealth, riches, opulence, blockbuster.
Based on the dictionary definition, I consider myself successful when I have a profitable month at work, stay on top of our crazy schedule, and have a little money left at the end of my paycheck. Sometimes at home, success looks like having everyone fed, bathed, and clothed… Basic answer but many times we are so busy that just accomplishing those 3 things seems like a feat! I consider my kids a success when they get good grades, do well in sports, and act responsible. My husband considers a successful hunt one that ends with a trophy buck hanging on the wall.

What if we change the question? Instead of the dictionary definition, what if we ask…

How does God define success?

1 Kings 2:3 says success is to “keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his rules, and his testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn.”
Proverbs 3:1-4 says “My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.”

I am not a bible expert, but I have yet to find a verse that says making a lot of money or being famous makes you successful. Don’t get me wrong – who doesn’t want to be good at what they do and make a lot of money doing it? But profit should not be our first priority. Using the talents God has given us to let Him shine through is the foundation of success. If you are a hard-working business man who is great at making money – good for you. But what do you do with that money? Do you hoard it? Buy more stuff? Act stingy? Do you spend every waking moment earning that money? So much that your family life suffers? Or do you use that money for good? Donate your money to a worthy cause? Help those in need? Do you bring glory to God with the use of your money?  What if you are an aspiring actress that goes to Hollywood and makes it on the big screen? Do you use your fame in a positive way that will give glory to God? Are you setting a good example for all the teenagers who look up to you and want to be just like you?

We were made to work – just like Adam in the garden. We all have unique talents & thank God for that!

What if we were all good at the same thing?


Diversity is essential!

What if there were no gas station attendants or fast food workers? We often think of those as menial, unimportant jobs. But without gas stations, there would be no road trips, no vacations, and no getting back & forth to work. Can you glorify God by working at a gas station? Absolutely. Start with the golden rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. It’s hard to be a Christ follower and not follow this one basic, age-old rule. Treating others with respect is a great way to let God’s love shine through. Even if it’s behind a cash register at a gas station. There is a crossing guard on the corner by my daughter’s school each morning. Every single day he waves at every single car with a smile. Sadly, not everyone waves and smiles back. But he keeps on waving and smiling! If it bothers him, you can’t tell!
ANYONE can give glory to God. Not just “church” people. Glorifying God means to acknowledge His greatness and give Him honor by praising and worshiping Him.* Why give Him glory? Well, he’s God! He made us. He made everything. Without Him we wouldn’t have ANY success. It all points back to Him and acknowledging this is a great start to being successful.
Step one? Determine which definition of “success” you want to achieve. The worldly definition is tempting. I mean honestly, who doesn’t want a Hollywood ending? But what happens when your life in this world is over and you move on to the next? 100 years on this Earth are a split second in time compared to an eternity in the next life.

When you stand before God, do you think he will ask you…

“How much money did you make?”
“Name the last 3 large accounts you wrote.”
“Provide a copy of your bank statement.”
“Show me your child’s report card.”
“What kind of car did you drive?”
“Square footage of your house?”
“How popular were you in school?”
“Did people think you were pretty?”

-There is a big difference between “wealth” and “success” yet they are synonyms in the dictionary. Interesting!

Oswald Chambers said worship is when you give your best to God. The person doing the most with what they have been given is truly successful.
How well do you use the talents you have received? What is your ratio for talents received and talents used? Have you ever asked yourself that? I look at my oldest daughter and smile because she scores 100% on this! She uses her many God-given talents – especially her musical talent. She has a beautiful voice, sings in the church choir, and her solos & duets bring tears to my eyes every time. My theory? I know this is one of her many God given talents because she does not get nervous or anxious – she just does it! I would have a panic attack if I had to sing in front of everyone at church (not to mention glass would shatter) Singing is NOT one of my God given talents & that is ok! Remember, diversity is important! She plays the clarinet – loves it and does great. (First chair might I add!) She uses her God given abilities to the fullest and that is fun to see. That is success!
All year we have an opportunity to set goals, not just when the New Year is right around the corner. How can you let go of worldly success and focus on Godly success? What does this look like in your life? If you aren’t sure, pray about it. Ask God to show you. Listen for God’s answer. Follow through in action. 3 simple steps: Ask, Listen, Follow through!

Deuteronomy 8:18 “You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who give you power to get wealth”

The Good List

I am a list person. I have a list for just about everything. Sometimes if I forget to write something on my list, I add it just so I can cross it off. Can anyone relate? I have a grocery list. Goals list. Personal wellness list. Wish list. To-do list.
Lately, I have been adding to my list of lists! Most recently I started a gratitude list (this list will get its own post someday) and now I am working on a ‘bad to good list’. Some may call these blessings in disguise. My bad to good list is a place to write down all of the things in my life that I thought were bad at the time but actually turned out to be for my good later on. Sometimes it took days, months, or years to realize the bad actually brought me something good. There are also some things still stuck on the bad list, and I’m confident someday I will move them to my good list. It might not be on this side of life, but maybe an answer in heaven. This bad to good list is expansive, from a simple upgrade due to something breaking, to a tough time in life that brought me closer to God. When I started this list, one of my favorite verses came to mind.
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.
This verse says ALL THINGS work for the good. This backs up my belief that some of those bad things will bring good, even if I can’t see it yet. Taking time to think about these things has made me so appreciative and thankful. It is really amazing to see how things unfold and work out!

One very simple example is a recent experience at work. Everyone in our office has at least 2 monitors. I am not quite sure how we functioned back in the day with only 1 monitor. Seriously ineffective! Recently one of my monitors quit working. I tried everything and it just did not come to life. After a phone call with our computer tech, it was discovered the monitor was DUNZO. I found a VERY small spare monitor in an unused office I could use temporarily.   Eek. I felt like I was staring at a sticky note! It was so small. Good thing I wear glasses – I needed them see this tiny monitor! Total first world problem, but working on such a small monitor was a nuisance. In talking with the technician, it was determined I could also use a new computer due to my software being so outdated. I had one of the oldest computers in the office. So, a few days later, an order was placed for a new computer, and not just 2 monitors, but 3 new monitors! I was getting an upgrade. If you have ever gone from 2 monitors to 3 monitors, you know how life-changing this can be! Now I feel a little sorry for the people who only have 2 monitors! My bad thing – my broken monitor – turned out to be a good thing – I got an extra monitor and a new computer!

Another bad to good experience involves our property. Several years ago when we were looking to move, we found some land we liked and made an offer. It was declined and we could not make a higher offer within our price range. We were so disappointed. It wasn’t long after this we found an even better piece of land for sale by owner. A few weeks later we were the proud owners of 40 acres of land. Over time we cleared the land, built a house, and this is where we live now. In retrospect, I am so glad we did not the original piece of property. It was not as nice and a little farther from my work. Plus, they recently put a gravel pit not far from that plot of land, so the road is much busier now than when we looked at it years ago. That bad turned to good and led us to the perfect piece of land that is on a quiet road, much prettier, and we have great neighbors!
2012 was a challenging year for me. It was the year I had a complicated pregnancy, my dad was diagnosed with cancer, and we were building our new house. In the end, my son was born just fine, my dad had surgery and is cancer free today, and we are living in our beautiful house. But there was A LOT that went on in between! Building a house is such a blessing, but also extremely stressful and we were running over budget and out of time. My pregnancy was full of challenges, ending in 2 months of bed rest, lots of high blood pressure, and a few scares. I trace my relationship with God back to this time. It was a turning point for me. During my dad’s surgery, I bought a journal from the hospital gift shop and started reading devotionals and writing down verses. I referred back to these during the 2 week wait for test results during my pregnancy that would confirm my son’s health. I became a lot closer with God & really relied on Him during that time. I came out in such a better place and am thankful for that year of trials!

When I think about bad turned good, I think about the story of Joseph. He could have made a SUPER LONG list of many bad things that happened to him. But again and again, those bad things led him to something good. His jealous brothers wanted to kill him and end up selling him into slavery. It didn’t take long for that bad to turn good. He went from being a slave to being in charge of everything in Potiphar’s house. But Potiphar’s wife lied about Joseph because he wouldn’t do what she wanted. So he was thrown into jail. Once again the bad turned good when he was put in charge of all the prisoners. Joseph helped out the cupbearer while he was in jail and that cupbearer promised to get him freed as well, but that didn’t happen quickly at all. Until one day Pharaoh had a dream and nobody could explain it to him. Nobody except Joseph. He gave God the credit for interpreting this dream. Pharaoh was impressed and put Joseph in charge of all of Egypt.

These are just a few examples of bad turned good, thanks to God keeping His promise of Romans 8:28. Take some time to think about all of the bad turned good in your life. And don’t lose hope if you have a long list of bad. There is still time for it to turn good!

Image result for romans 8 :28