Christmas comes and goes in a flash, then we start focusing on the New Year. Ahh the New Year. A chance to start over and try again. Sounds great! But by February, a lot of people have already failed at their grandiose goals, so they give up and vow to try again next year. And by a lot of people, I mean ME.
This year I’m doing things differently.
Instead of a long bullet point list of resolutions in alphabetical order (hey, what can I say, I like to be organized) I have one New Year’s Resolution. One. Numero Uno.
I’m giving God control of my life.
Hang on, let me rephrase. He already has control of my life, but I’m letting go of the wheel. Up until now, I have done a fabulous job filling the role of driver’s ed instructor… Sitting in the passenger seat, foot lightly resting on the brake, ready to tap at a moments notice. Grabbing the wheel to turn a different direction. Foot on the pedal to go a little faster. Telling God the driver – go this way, slow down, watch out. Checking the rearview mirror to see what’s going on behind me. Looking at what’s going on around me. It’s time to STOP.
Cue Carrie Underwood – Jesus take the wheel.
I have accomplished a lot of things this past year, but giving up control is NOT one of them.
I have a very firm grip on my life so it’s no secret I am not a fan of the unexpected (unless it’s a surprise trip to a tropical place – in that case, count me in!) Let’s find out what’s coming and then prepare for it, ok? I like to be in control. If you need something organized or planned, I’m your girl! God gave me an extra serving of Type A when he created me. Sometimes I get mad at him for that. Why make me so controlling, then tell me to give up and surrender control?
Some people think giving up control will be easier once certain accomplishments are achieved. Once I get the job I want, once I pay off the car, once I land this deal, once I beat this disease. Then that accomplishment happens and we focus our control on the next milestone. Goals are great, but if we keep hitting fast forward, we miss out. I thought once we became more financially sound, I would give up worry and control about money. Wrong. We’re in better shape now than we were 10, even 5 years ago, but I still worry about finances. My family eats a little better, I drink more water, the kids are active, but I am still concerned about our health. Our kids made it through the terrible 2’s and survived Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Now our oldest will be driving in a few short years. The older they get, the more my worry grows. When they were babies I thought it would be the opposite. Turns out I was wrong.
A worrywart is defined as someone who worries EXCESSIVELY and NEEDLESSLY.
I have a strong family bloodline of worrywarts so I know this term well!
Excessively. Yup – that’s me sometimes like a record stuck on repeat.
Needlessly. Hmmm, that one is tricky. We are told in the Bible over and over and over again not to worry. Yet we do. Some of the things we worry about happen. Car accidents. Disease. Divorce. Natural disasters. Shootings. So is it needless to worry about those things? Short answer – Yes. Worrying is needless. Does that mean we are ALL worrywarts? Worry won’t stop these things from happening, but sometimes we try to justify the worry. If we spend time worrying about what could happen, we are a little better prepared in case it does. (Remember I like to be prepared!) I’ve come to the conclusion that giving God control of my life won’t wipe out all challenges. But, if we focus on the Word and really let God do his part, we might see a little decline in our anxiety. I say “might” instead of “will” because I have not actually tried this theory! I’ve tried to try this theory. But like past resolutions, I’ve failed.
So – here we are, December 2018. I’m ready to tackle my resolution.
While it is just one resolution, there are several commitments I need to make in order to be successful at this one thing.
- Think Serenity Prayer, possibly plastered everywhere you can see it
- Find a friend who can keep you on the right track (I already have a few lucky ladies in mind)
- Not just when you need something
- READ THE BIBLE. Everyday!
- Not just when you are freaking out or worried
- This one is the hardest for me. When worry creeps in, kick it out by redirecting your thoughts back to God.
- Facebook – we’re taking a much-needed break. It’s not you, it’s me.
- Dual purpose here – we give thanks and remind ourselves of this promise
There you have it – my non-traditional alphabetized bulletin point resolution list that I vowed not to make!
If you’re working toward a similar resolution, I would love to know I’m not the only control freak out there. Your list of necessities to accomplish this goal may look different than mine. We’re all at a different starting point!
Like most busy people, we have tons to remember, so here’s a trick to help. Make an acronym – TRAP or PART.
TRAP (Thank God that He is in control, Read the Bible, Redirect, Remove distractions, Acceptance and Accountability, Pray)
PART (Pray, Acceptance and Accountability, Read the Bible, Redirect, Remove distractions, Thank God that He is in control)
Just remember the R represents 3 things:
Read the Bible, Redirect your thoughts, Remove distractions
You can remember the acronym another way – I will PART ways with worry and control. I will TRAP worry and control.
If you’re coming with me, here are a few verses and quotes to get you started.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Romans 8:28 (a fav of mine) And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (the first verse I memorized) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall make straight your path.
Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. – Swedish Proverb
Worry is believing God won’t get it right. – Todd Wagner
When one has too great a dread of what is impending, one feels some relief when the trouble has come. – Joseph Joubert
You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside. – Wayne Dyer
You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway. – Steve Maraboli
Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him – Groucho Marx
(Just making sure you are reading to the end!)