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It’s fall in Michigan. This means temperatures are dropping, sometimes abruptly! Then they rise again. And fall again. You get the idea. Michigan fall weather is a little bit of a roller coaster ride. We reluctantly turn on our furnaces and light a fire in the fireplace. With colder weather often comes dry skin! Last winter, no amount of lotion, coconut oil, or hydration could ease my dry skin. I remember laying in bed at night itching and scratching to the point of feeling crazy! After all else failed, I heard about dry body brushing and decided to give it a try. It turns out it works for more than just dry skin!
Benefits of dry body brushing
The process of dry body brushing can exfoliate skin, detoxify by increasing your circulation and promote lymphatic system flow and drainage. It can unclog pores and stimulate the nervous system, which can be very invigorating, so morning is a great time to do it! Some people say it can even reduce cellulite. Bonus!
How it works
It is a pretty simple process. Get naked! Start on dry skin and work in an upward motion. Be gentle! You are brushing, not scrubbing! Brush your skin by starting on the tops of your feet and moving up toward your heart. Since this is the same direction your lymphatic system flows, you want to brush in that same direction. It’s helpful to go over each spot a few times. I find the best time to do this is right before getting in the shower. Some people like to use a circular motion, some upward sweeping motion. The key is working toward your heart. Be especially gentle around the neck and chest area since these can be sensitive and skin is thinner. Ladies – skip the boobs!
What you need
Make sure you have the right tools. I like this Dry Skin Body Brush from Amazon. It has a long handle which is great for your back (this tends to be my driest body part in the winter) I have seen some people use these on their face, but I found it was too big and harsh. I would suggest getting a brush designed for your face to be safe. One option is the Face Cleansing Brush
which got good reviews on Amazon.
Dry body brushing is a great habit to add to your morning routine. It only takes a few minutes and has a lot of benefits. Let me know if you have tried body brushing!