Thankful = recognizing and acknowledging your blessings

Today I am overcome with thankful feelings. As cliche as it sounds, my heart is full and overflowing.
I have thoroughly enjoyed all stages of my kids – some more than others of course (does anyone really LOVE the terrible twos?!) But seriously, raising teenagers is not always easy…but from time to time, the sun shines through the clouds and you bask in the wonderfulness. And that is where I’m at during this current moment.
I am thankful for watching my kids play sports and hang with our sports families. I am thankful for bleacher butt and sun burns.
I am thankful for watching them enjoy their high school life and living it to the fullest, each in their own way.
I am thankful for watching Bo look up to the girls and try to be just like them.
I am thankful for how their bond is changing in the coolest way as they get older.
I am thankful for hearing stories about their day.
I am thankful for laughs in the kitchen before bed. I am thankful for long car rides and family dinners.
I am thankful for old pictures and seeing how they’ve grown. Of course, this is so bittersweet too.
I am thankful for Bo’s hugs in the drop off line and middle of the night snuggles when he sneaks in our bed.
I am thankful for card tricks I have to watch a million times and “Mom, watch this!”
I am thankful for marks on the wall showing how much they’ve grown. We will NEVER paint this wall!
I could go on and on…I am just so incredibly thankful. Thank you Lord for these blessings. Count them one by one.