Fruit salsa

I am a huge salsa fan! I make mango avocado salsa frequently because it’s delish. You can find that recipe here.

My second fav: FRUIT SALSA

I use a variety of fruit:

**Red delicious apples-peeled and chopped

**Strawberries – remove stems and chop

**Kiwi fruit – peeled and chopped

**Raspberries chopped

Mix all fruit together and add a couple tablespoons of jam (I used strawberry but really any flavor will do)

To avoid added sugar, I don’t include much else, but you can put in a couple tablespoons of white or brown sugar if you feel it’s necessary.

Add a few squirts of lemon juice and stir.

Serve with cinnamin crackers.


Mango Avocado Salsa

One of my favorite summer time foods…Mango Avocado salsa. It is so yum and light and refreshing! (Look for very ripe mangoes, at least partially red exterior and a little squishy)

Mango Avocado Salsa

Delicious and refreshing salsa, pairs well with lime tortilla chips

  • 3 Mangoes – peeled and chopped (ripe works best)
  • 2 Avocados – peeled and chopped
  • 1-2 tbsp raw honey
  • 1 tsp cilantro
  • 1 squeeze of lime juice
  • 1 pinch salt
  1. Peel and chop mangoes and avocados. Mix together and stir in honey, salt, and lime juice. Top with Cilantro

I don’t typically measure ingredients when I make a recipe – I prefer to go by taste, so you might want to make some adjustments to the honey and cilantro to meet your taste buds!

Pair this with lime flavored tortilla chips and you will be begging for a Margarita and a beach!