What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is an alternative therapy using pressure points in the hands and feet. The idea behind reflexology is the hands/feet are a map of the body. By applying pressure to specific points, you can promote health and healing in various organs and body parts.

Benefits of Reflexology
Studies show many benefits of reflexology:
- Promote balance and normalize the body’s functions
- Reduce stress
- Increase relaxation and bring about a deeper state of relaxation
- Lower blood pressure
- Increase circulation
I have been lucky enough to get various massage treatments over the years (happy birthday to me) but none of them have brought about the state of relaxation I experience during reflexology.
My Reflexology experience
I stumbled upon reflexology about 8 years ago. My neighbor is a reflexologist and I went to see her after my grandma passed away to help relieve stress. You can read more about that here. Words can not express how amazing this has been for me – such a source of relaxation. I go about once a month and can tell when I’m due! An hour of reflexology feels like 8 hours of sleep and I get up feeling so refreshed and recharged. At first, it took me a while to relax, but I started settling in quicker with each visit. Pretty soon, within minutes I struggle to stay awake. I started noticing the correlation between the pressure points on my feet and various parts of my body. I used to have chronic sinus issues. When those were flaring up, my toes would be extra sensitive and sore.
Over time, I started reaching a deeper state of relaxation. Now stay with me here because it’s about to get a little weird, but sometimes I see colors during my visits. With my eyes closed, I typically see very vivid swirling purple and green. I have seen a little bit of blue and white in other visits, but purple and green are most common.
These colors represent chakras. Green is the heart chakra which relates to the ability to love, feel hope, and healing.
Violet is the crown chakra which represents a connection to spirituality, understanding, enlightenment, power, and spiritual development.
Indigo represents seeing the bigger picture, intuition, spiritual truth and relaxation.
At first, this freaked me out & I didn’t want to say anything for fear of sounding crazy. Once I realized this was normal and discovered more about the meaning of each color, it all made perfect sense! I have said from early on reflexology leaves me feeling completed renewed and recharged mentally, spiritually, and physically. This explains why I see purple and green so often during my visits.
Source: chakra-anatomy.com
My dad is diabetic and has reluctantly tried reflexology after my persistent persuasion. He did get some relief from his diabetic neuropathy and the swelling in his feet improved slightly.
Reflexology is part of my regular self-care routine. If you are thinking about it, I recommend going in with an open mind. Allow yourself to fully relax. This will probably take practice! Over time you may reach the same state of relaxation, which is such a blessing!