Abide meditation app

If you’re looking for a good meditation app, try Abide!

I think I used this a few years ago and sort of forgot about it.

The free version gives you access to some of the content and shorter meditations. Some days all I can do is 2 minutes anyway because I’m so charged up :/

You can sort by topic such as sleep, anxiety, or grief just to name a few. One of my favorite options is the “journal” feature so you can do a short journal entry after your meditation.

Here is today’s meditation of the day. Check it out!


Kim and Ally’s Favorite Podcasts

I’m probably a little behind the times (OK fine, A LOT behind) but in an effort to make the most of my time, I have started listening to Podcasts. I’ve heard several people talk about them lately, including my niece Ally, home on a visit from Boston. I decided to check them out and it didn’t take long for me to find some favorites. Since I’m so new at this, I am including her favorites as well! True Crime is such a popular category, but you will notice those are absent from my list. No worries – Ally has you covered! I am basically afraid of my own shadow, so listening to True Crime is NOT a good idea for me. One episode of Dateline and I’m convinced a murdered is lurking in the woods.

Thus far I have focused on those in the scope of mind, body, soul health and wellness. Since I typically listen while I’m getting ready in the morning or during my commute once the kids get out of the car (which is only about 10 – 15 minutes) I prefer shorter podcasts I can listen to in 20 minutes or less. I’ve tried listening at work but I find it too hard to focus.

I will post an update in a few months once I’ve had more time to explore. But for now – here’s our favorite podcasts!

Kim’s List

Optimal Health Daily

Dr. Neal Malik

This podcast reads the latest and greatest health and fitness blogs and also has Q&A Episodes. I like these because they are short (usually 15 minutes or less) and cover topics I find interesting. A sister podcast to this is Optimal Living Daily, which reads content on personal development, productivity, and more.

Daily Inspiration

Steve Harvey

A daily dose of inspiration from The Steve Harvey Morning Show. I like him, although sometimes he’s hard for me to take serious because, well, he’s Steve Harvey! (Think Family Feud) This shows a different side of him and I have enjoyed it so far.

The Mindset and Motivation Podcast

Rob Dial 

(Soon changing names to The Mindset Mentor.) This is probably my favorite podcast. The episode about his 10 day silent meditation retreat was so interesting. I actually know someone who attends a retreat like this every year. 10 days without talking! #Meditation goals. I’ve had several good takeaways from each episode and have stayed engaged with very little mind wandering! I love his tag line at the end: “Make it your mission to make someone else’s day better.”

The Daily Still

Cindy L. Helton 

At first I listened to this on my way to work, but for me, good meditation requires closing my eyes. Not a great idea when you’re driving! So I moved it up in my day. I have a morning routine that works well for me, which you can read about here. I have been listening before I get out of bed, however the last time I got so relaxed I almost fell back asleep! Oops. Because of this, I’m thinking about actually moving this one to the end of my day right before I go to sleep.  They are short, which is great if you are new to meditation.

The Nutrition Diva

Monica Reinagel 

Information on easy ways to upgrade your eating habits.

Ally’s List

The Daily

The NY Times

20 minute news podcast – new 5 days a week. If you like a quick news recap, this is a good option.

Serial Season 1

This American Life

A podcast from the creators of This American Life. It unfolds one story over the course of a whole season. If you like murder mystery, this might worth checking out.  As for me, I’m skipping this one!

Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez

The Boston Globe: Wondery 

“Football star Aaron Hernandez went from the bright lights of the Super Bowl to a convicted murderer in a few years. The Boston Globe’s Spotlight team takes a hard look at the crisis facing football through the lens of Aaron Hernandez’s life and terrible crimes.” This one looks interesting and Ally enjoyed it. I plan to check this one out!

The Moth

Ally says this one is really good. it’s about people telling their stories. Some are funny, some are sad. She actually went to a live show and loved it! She lives in Boston so more exciting things happen there compared to my little town of Grass Lake, Michigan. No live podcast shows here!

What the Health

Kaiser Health News

Weekly Healthcare news. She has a degree in Public Health so it makes sense this is on her list!

If you’re new to the world of Podcasts and don’t know where to start, check out your favorite categories. You can find pretty much anything: Art, Comedy, Fiction, Business, News, Sports, and more. It’s a great way to fill your time! Let us know some of your favorites! Thanks to Ally for her awesome suggestions.

Just Breathe

Just Breathe. It is not only one of my favorite Pearl Jam songs, but also great advice. Breathing is so basic yet so overlooked. Yes, we breathe all the time without thinking about it. We tend to notice our breathing when it’s not working well, but forget about it when it’s working. Check yourself. Are you breathing? Phew. Good! Now, HOW are you breathing?

When I started paying attention to my breathing, I noticed I don’t breathe deep very often. When I’m feeling anxious, it is almost impossible to breathe deep. Sometimes I am even holding my breath! Why? No freaking clue. If I really stop and pay attention (this seems to happen a lot at stop lights) I will notice I am breathing shallow and my body is tense.

At almost every Ayurvedic appointment, I get asked the same question.
“How is your breathing?”
Um, well… I mean, I’m breathing all the time. All day long actually, so that’s good.”

At some point it becomes stupid to pay someone $150/hour to tell me to breathe deep. Obviously my visits are more than that, but most appointments, the topic of deep breathing (or lack thereof) always comes up. Here I learned the difference between belly breathing and barely breathing.  Belly breathing is the most beneficial for me. It’s pretty easy to do. Lay down and put your hand on your belly. Take a deep breath. Does your hand move up and down? Yes? Then you are belly breathing. No? Then you are not! Simple as that. If only your chest is rising and falling, but not your belly, then you are probably not belly breathing.

Deep breathing has so many health benefits:

  • Stress reduction & relaxation
  • Better blood flow & stronger lungs
  • Release endorphins & decrease pain levels
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Release toxins from the body
  • Better sleep


Even though it sounds so simple, if you are not used to deep breathing, it can be a challenge at first. Start with 2 minutes. Find a quiet place if you can, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. Your mind may wander at first and that is ok! If you notice this happening, redirect your attention & keep going. I have used meditation apps (One of my favs right now is Stop, Breathe, Think. It reminds you to pay attention & bring back your wandering mind! Even with a scattered mind, breathing deep is still beneficial! I try to spend a few minutes deep breathing first thing in the morning, mid afternoon when I’m picking up my kids from school, and right before bed. Before sleep is the most beneficial for me because it helps me relax, fall asleep faster, and release the tension in my body. Sometimes I wake up with sore muscles and wonder what happened to me in my sleep! Usually this happens after a night of sleep that started off restless. Work your way up to 5 minutes, then 10 minutes. The longer the better, but even 5 minutes of deep breathing a day will help!

Keep track of your breathing throughout the day. I used to set a reminder on my smart watch twice a day. When my alarm went off, I would take notice of my breathing, which was usually barely there! It may not be practical to lay down and breathe at work, so if that’s the case, just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
If you struggle with belly breathing, c

heck out the Resperate. I have told so many people about this device – even some random guy at the pool while I was on vacation. I overheard him say he had high blood pressure and was going to take medication. He seemed so young for that. I just had to share what I knew. My husband was slightly embarrassed. I did apologize for eavesdropping though! It is a belt with a sensor that straps around your waist and detects your breathing. It then leads you into longer, slower deep breaths. The first few minutes are always shocking to me because my breathing seems so fast once I stop & pay attention to it. It’s almost hard to keep up when you consciously think about it.  I find it so relaxing, but some nights I am too antsy to do it for very long. It is proven to lower blood pressure and is a great way to end your day and nod off to sleep.

I’ve read that meditating for 30 minutes is like sleeping for an hour. I wouldn’t know because usually after 10 minutes of this, I’m a crazy restless person. But I’m working my way up and would love to get to a 30 minute breathing/meditation session every night before bed. I think this would be so life changing. My mind is often like a bunny rabbit bouncing around in there from topic to topic. Supposedly, regular meditation trains your brain. When you start doing it all the time, your brain becomes used to it and it’s easier to sink into that relaxed state. My goal is to find out!