Peanut butter granola recipe

Peanut butter granola recipe

✔ Tastes delicious

✔ Makes your kitchen smell amazing

✔ Only 4 ingredients

✔ Easy to make

My neighbor told me about their homemade granola and it sounded delicious. Since I eat the same foods over and over again, I thought I would mix it up and give it a try. I have eaten store bought granola, but it usually has unnecessary ingredients and loads of added, fake sugar.

But this recipe…delicious! Add blueberries for that peanut butter and jelly taste!

Tips: Soften the peanut butter in the microwave for a few seconds before mixing. Use real honey, preferably local, for the best health benefits. Use parchment paper to line your cookie sheet for easier clean up. Buy divided containers to easy separate your ingredients until you are ready to eat.  Add chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or dried fruit to mix it up.


Peanut Butter Granola

Only 4 ingredients in this simply granola recipe

  • 4-5 cups Old fashioned oats
  • 1 cup peanut butter (slightly softened)
  • 2/3 cup honey
  • 1-2 tsp vanilla extract
  1. Mix together honey, slightly softened peanut butter, and vanilla extract

  2. Mix in 4-5 cups of old fashioned oats

  3. Spread out evenly on cookie sheet

  4. Bake at 275 degrees for 30 – 35 minutes, stir halfway through

  5. Let cool before storing in air tight container


Protein Shake for Breakfast on the go

I am not a big breakfast eater, mainly due to lack of time in the mornings. But I do know a healthy, filling meal is important to start the day. This wasn’t always the case. When I was in college, I used to have a donut and Mountain Dew every morning for breakfast. I have no idea how I am even still alive! What was I thinking?! Back then I actually had time to make a good breakfast, but I chose to sleep in instead!

Now that I am married with kids, my mornings are spent less on myself and more on getting everyone else out the door. I try to work in some quiet time as well, so it doesn’t leave much room for a big breakfast. My days of sleeping in are long gone. R.I.P. lazy mornings. I wake up at 5:30 just to get my crew out the door by 7:15. I simply don’t want to get up any earlier! Soooo, I rely on a quick and easy breakfast.

On good weeks, I make some breakfast burritos ahead of time so they are ready to go. I brown sausage, add chopped veggies, and sometimes add in eggs. This is super easy to make and it tastes good reheated. Throw the mix in a wrap and boom – breakfast is served.

Unfortunately, not all weeks work out this way. Instead of reverting back to the Mountain Dew/Donut combo, I make a protein shake. I’ve got it down to about 2 minutes so there is really no excuse! This combo below is my new favorite.

PB Honey Cacao Protein Shake

I use Almond milk, Raw Cacao powder, Protein powder, Peanut butter powder, and honey. Add some ice, blend (I use my Nutri-bullet) and viola. This is something I can make at home, then drink on the way to work. 99% of my breakfast is consumed in the car, unless it’s the weekend, so this works well.

If you’re looking for a protein shake, give it a try!


Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Muffins

20180503_204215_0001I have tried some recipes that were healthy but NOT delicious and some that were delicious but NOT healthy. These muffins are actually healthy and delicious! My super picky daughter liked them so that says a lot!
My 2 worst enemies = white flour and white sugar. Which, by the way, totally sucks because they are in just about everything I crave. Then my brother brought me a muffin to try & I couldn’t believe they had no added sugar or flour. They are simple to make (easy enough for my 10-year-old to make a batch with very little help) My 12-year-old made 2 dozen for a school project & they were a big hit! I have made these with & without the vanilla extract and they were good either way. This is a great recipe to use brown bananas that are a little too mushy to eat. It’s also a great way to sneak some extra protein into my kids’ diet without them even noticing. I like Vega One or Orgain Organic Protein powder, but I’m sure any vanilla flavored powder would work just fine.
These muffins are much better alternative to your sweet tooth craving than, oh I don’t know, say a bag of Oreo cookies or a package of Hershey Kisses! We are slightly obsessed with Costco muffins. Last I checked the Costco Apple Crumb Muffins are almost 700 calories, 38 grams of fat, and 48 grams of sugar. You could eat a whole batch of these muffins and still consume less sugar!
Healthy & Delicious PB Banana Muffins

  • 2 bananas
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 3-4 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • dash of salt
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips

Blend all ingredients together except the chocolate chips until smooth. I prefer my bullet but you can use a blender. Once smooth, stir in chocolate chips. Spoon the batter into muffin tins and bake at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes. Enjoy!