God answered my prayer with breast cancer

October 31st, 2021 I stood in my kitchen, prepping food and listening to music, and feeling a little sorry for myself. I just felt stunted….like I had spiritually outgrown my circle at that moment in time. I don’t say that to sound conceited in any way. It came from a place of a desire to grow deeper.

As I was thinking about this, I thought back on times in my life when things were tough. Really tough. But those were also the times my faith grew deeper. I prayed God would put the people and situations I needed in my life so I could grow deeper.

Then I panicked.

This is a scary prayer, because it often feels like an invite for rocky roads and troubled times. But I thought “bring it.”

Little did I know, God would “bring it” very quickly and in an unexpected way. The next day I went in for my routine mammogram with very little stress and worry. I had one the year before. It was not terrible like I expected (maybe it’s because I’ve had 3 kids and my boobs are, well, sad and deflated) My results from last year were normal and I expected this year to be the same.

2 hours after my appointment, I got the call.

There is a spot the doctors want to take a closer look at and they had already scheduled an appointment for November 10th for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. That felt like 100 years away, but in our pandemic world, 9 days is record time.

Not the best timing, as my husband was gone on his annual hunting trip and of course, our son got sick and developed strep throat that week as well.

So I had to tell some friends and family because I needed help, or else I would have to delay my tests.

The radiologist showed me the images and I had a pit in my stomach. It looked a lot like the cancerous stuff I’d seen on online during my weak moments of googling. 2 days later I had a biopsy.

Around this time, I was winding down on my daily Bible reading plan. This was my 2nd trip through the Bible. Looking ahead, I was set to finish my annual plan on Wednesday, November 17th. I had fallen about 3 weeks behind schedule throughout the year, but I think on God’s clock I was right on time. I just knew that would be the day I got my results…and it would be. MALIGNANT. How could this be?

The next week was an absolute roller coaster of emotions and feelings. I was able to meet with a surgeon very quickly and that helped.

It is no coincidence that I finished reading the Bible the day of my results. It is no coincidence I prayed to go deeper, then God led me to a valley.

I told God-there must be a purpose for this. I don’t know what it is but I don’t think I can go wrong by hoping people see God through me in all of this. I’m not sure how much that has happened, but I have definitely seen God in everyone around me. The calls, texts, cards, FB messages, flowers, food, gifts, and prayers… It has been unbelievable.

I immediately vowed to keep a positive attitude because I know it will impact this experience 100%. Some days that feels like a full time job. Other days it feels like this is almost too easy.

There is a lot of uncertainty right now, but one thing is 100% certain. If I had not read through the Bible twice and had a habit of daily quiet time with God, this would have WRECKED me wwwaaaaayyyyyyy worse. I have had hard days, where worry and doubt try to take hold, but I can eventually shake it off with God’s help. I told a friend, at times my cancer diagnosis feels like a blaring song on repeat so loud in my head that I can’t hear anything else. Other days, it feels like background music. It’s there but I can almost forget about it. I do not think I would have “background music” days without God.

I am sharing this story for a few reasons.

1) I like to write- I find it very therapeutic, even if I don’t share it with anyone. Journaling is a very freeing exercise! But then I think about Matthew 5:15..

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:14‭-‬16 ESV

My story could help someone else, but only if I share it.

2) Get your damn mammograms. I can’t believe how many people said “I’m so overdue” when I told them about the findings on my routine mammogram. Please, get yours mammograms…on time… every year!

3) Having a relationship with God is foundational for making it through tough times. At first, I thought about people way worse off than me – people with:

*No family or friends to support support or help

*No health insurance

*Without flexible jobs so they can take that first available appointment

*People without a savings account for rainy days like this

I am fortunate that I don’t have to battle those things I just listed, I ONLY have to battle cancer, which feels like enough. Many others are fighting multiple battles in addition to the C word. But without God…scary words…without God this would feel impossible to me.

So, moral of the story, spend time with God. If you don’t have a daily practice, start small. Mine started out small and has grown into more. Thanks for the prayers!

Prayer for our country

Today is a big day for our country. No matter what side of the fence you’re on, I think we can all agree things have been messy and divided.

The unknown future can bring fear. But God has a lot to say about fear…

“for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
2 Timothy 1:7 ESV

No matter what happens with our country, our president, the virus, climate change, budgets, spending, immigration, or anything else the government is debating, God is in control and it’s part of His plan.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28 ESV

So today, if you fearful, remember Psalm 34:4…

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”
Psalm 34:4 ESV


Lord, we ask for prayers for our country. Bring us together and unify us, as one nation under God. Put the proper leaders in the proper place to help our country make good decisions. When we start to worry or doubt, help us remember you are in control. Please hear our prayers. Amen

Parenting priorities


Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Are you a good parent?

What are your main parenting priorities?

This answer may look a little different for each family.

Good parents make sure their kids’ basic needs are met. We try to keep them healthy and out of trouble. We send them to school. I think it’s a safe assumption many parents (including me) hope our kids get an education, find a good job, marry the perfect mate, provide us with a few grand kids, and live a long healthy, happy life.

It sounds like the perfect plan, doesn’t it? But what if your child grows up living this “perfect” life, but doesn’t know God? At the end of their life, God says “I never knew you. Turn away from me.” Matthew 7:23

Your child could grow up to be wildly successful, make lots of money, or find the cure to cancer. We want them to use their God given talents, but they can’t be so busy that they leave God behind.

These might be great achievements, but in the end, no amount of money or success will get you into Heaven. Without a strong foundational relationship with God, the troubles of the world will rock their boat. They will eventually sink under the weight of their problems. They won’t know their worth. Worse yet – they won’t spend eternity in Heaven.


Forever and ever

It’s hard to wrap our simple minds around that concept. But the reality is, we spend a good chunk of our time and energy making sure our earthly life goes the way we want it to, and don’t think about what comes next.

Our biggest priority as parents should be pointing our children to Jesus, and He will take care of the rest. We are not perfect, but we can do our best to model a healthy relationship with God, even during the tough times that are sure to come. How can we prepare?

  • Pray for our children. A LOT
  • Demonstrate a relationship with God and how to live life on earth with an eternal perspective

By doing these things, we will start our children off the way they should go, so even when they are old they will not turn from it, just like Proverbs 22:6 instructs. We can’t force them. We can only model, encourage, and pray. If every single parent made it their #1 priority to raise Godly children, I truly believe this world would be a different place.


Heavenly Father, thank you for our children. We know they are a gift from you. Help us to find time in our busy lives to pray for our children and show them the way to heaven so they are welcomed into your eternal kingdom. Amen

GO DEEPER: It is never too late to start a relationship with God. If you do not have a family habit of prayer, start now! A simple prayer in the morning or evening is a great way to start a conversation with God. Pray with your kids and for your kids.