2020 Book List Part 2

Don’t Stop Believing

By Jonathan Cain

Music fans and Journey lovers, this one is for you.In this book Jonathan Cain tells the story of his life, and how the terrible experience of Our Lady of the Angels school fire, the wonderful support of his dad, and his faith in God led him to where he is today.If you like to hear the history behind the music, I think you would enjoy this book.


By Max Lucado

I have read a few Max Lucado books. While this one was not my favorite, it was very good. Some noteworthy parts:

“Whether or not storms come, we can not choose. But where we stare during a storm, that we can choose.”

“If Jesus understands our weaknesses, then so does God. Jesus was God in human form. He was God with us. That is why Jesus is called Immauel. ‘Immanu’ means ‘with us.’ God with us. All of us. ‘I am with you always,’ Jesus said before he ascended into Heaven, ‘to the very end of the age.’ Search for restrictions on the promise; you’ll find none.”

“Stop and think about this. Not once did Christ use his supernatural powers for personal comfort.”

The Prayer that Turned the world upside down

By R. Albert Mohler Jr

This book breaks down and dissects the Lord’s Prayer.Each chapter focuses on a part of the prayer.

Matthew 6:13

Lead us not into temptation

This is a particularly relatable part for me.”The Bible clearly teaches that the devil and his demons are real and that these invisible enemies are bent on destroying our spiritual lives. Jesus’ reminder to pray regularly against temptation reminds us just how prevalant and dangerous the appeal of sin can be…sin doesn’t just want to play a minor role in our lives; it wants to ‘rule’ over us.

“Whether you are new to prayer, or a seasoned prayer veteran, you can learn something from this book.

On the Bright Side

By Melanie Shankle

Top 10 fav for sure. I think she is hilarious! This book was completely relatable to me on many levels. I highly recommend this book and plan to check out some of her others! Some of the references to the 80’s and 90’s had me rolling! Ah the good ole’ days!

Jesus Calling

By Sarah Young

This is a daily devotional book, so I am not through the whole thing yet, but it is too good to wait a whole year to be discussed. Sometimes I get a day or two behind, but the messages are always perfectly timed!!

If you have not read any of her Jesus Calling books, please check them out. My only suggestion-buy the actual book. I have been reading on Hoopla, which is free and perfect since libraries are closed due to the Coronavirus. There are so many things I want to screenshot or highlight, but due to security, the app won’t allow it.

Happy reading!

4 ways to grow closer to God

Are you close to God?

Where are you in your relationship?

How well do you know God?

Do you spend time with Him?

Is God a regular part of your life or saved for emergencies only?

I have attended church regularly for the last 10 years, but it wasn’t until recently that I really started to develop a relationship with God. There is a big difference. After a few years of routine, I have found what works best for me. I hope these tips help you to grow in your own faith.

Read the Bible

There is no way around it – reading the Bible is vital in your growth.

I spent years reading devotionals, which are great, but I spent very little time reading the Bible. Sometimes I would even skim the Bible verses in the devotionals.


I started a reading plan a little over 6 months ago and I have really noticed a difference.

You can read my post about reaching day 101 here. This method works well for me. There is no right or wrong way. Simply open your Bible and read. Stick with it. Some parts are more interesting than others, but they are all important. The benefit of this habit is immeasurable.


Of equal importance…prayer!

It can be a challenge for me because I get easily distracted. I am guessing many of you can relate. Some days are easier than others. Again, there is no right or wrong way to pray. God is always available and isn’t concerned with fancy prayers. He already knows what is in your heart and your head, so just say it. He won’t be surprised or upset. If anyone can handle, it, He can! I think honest prayers are the best. If prayer is a new thing for you, just talk to God. It is truly that simple.

Bookend your day

The way you start and end your day is very important. Over the years I have transformed into a morning person, which now works well for my life. I get up early to have some quiet time and avoid rushing out the door. About 30 minutes before bed, I try to unplug. Sometimes this is HARD. But it is well worth it. If I don’t spend a few minutes each morning prepping from my day and a few minutes at night unwinding from my day, I suffer. I will be less patient (I am not the most patient person in the world to begin with, so this is a biggie for me) I will be less tolerant – little things become big things and irritate me.

Finding a few minutes each morning and night to remember the things you are thankful for is an important part of the book-ends.

Re-evaluate your morning and evening routine to see what you can change. If you are not currently book-ending your day, be realistic and start small – add 5 minutes of deep breathing, thankful reflection, quiet time, or reading to your morning and evening.

Get quiet

Get quiet.

What does that mean?

Set aside a few minutes each day to be quiet with God. Remove distractions and noise, and just be still. This one is a toughie for restless people like me. So I am starting VERY small on this one and still working to develop this habit. I like to do this in conjunction with reading my Bible and prayer. Morning works best for me, because once the distractions of the day take over, I have a hard time clearing my head. I tried this in the evening, but it was a fail. I ended up replaying the day in my head, thinking about the next day, or falling asleep! So I adjusted to what works best for me. Consider what works best for you before implementing this. I suggest having a paper and pen handy to make notes on anything that comes to mind. Without the ability to write things down, I end up trying too hard to remember them, and then I struggle even more to just BE.

Any positive changes you can make are a step in the right direction!

Don’t make a change too complicated. Just begin.

Lost Joy – 8 Verses to Get Your Joy Back

John 16:22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.

“…No one will take away your joy.” Hmmm. From time to time, my joy is definitely gone. When something frustrating happens at work, a rude person crosses my path, the kids don’t cooperate, my husband does (or doesn’t do) something that upsets me, the test result doesn’t go my way… the list goes on and on and on.

I’m sure I’m not alone. We all have bad days. I wrote a post a while back about the difference between joy and happiness which you can read here. I KNOW the difference, but I can’t always LIVE the difference.

Usually when my joy goes missing, my focus is shifted on multiple levels. When I’m feeling on edge, it’s because I am being short sighted and using worldly standards instead of eternal standards. The ugly selfishness I try to avoid takes center stage and suddenly everyone has it better than me, no one appreciates me, it’s not fair…you get the idea. These thoughts don’t always come out of nowhere (although sometimes a run in with good ole’ fashioned PMS can do the trick) Sometimes I do feel wronged or unappreciated. Other people’s behavior is out of my control. However, how I react is within my control. And this, my friends, is the secret. This is also where I struggle!

So – what should we do? How do we pull out of this joyless funk? I can give you a whole list of ideas that might help, but they aren’t always practical. For me, a day with my friends usually perks my mood. However, I’m a busy, working mom and so are my friends. It’s unlikely that calling a friend and planning an immediate get together will happen. Pampering also makes me feel better – a massage or a pedicure is a great way to de-stress – but if I did that every time I lost my joy, I would go broke!

The only immediate answer is prayer.

8 Verses For When You Lose Your Joy

I have found 8 verses that can help shift your focus back to the Creator. There are dozens and dozens of verses that could work, but these are a few of my favorites. Refer to them as much as needed, until your mind immediately pulls up one of these verses when your patience is tested and your joy is lacking.

Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13

Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. John 16:24

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5  I also like the Message translation of this verse “We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the trust of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ.”

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out every conformity with the purpose of his will. Ephesians 1:11

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

Heavenly Father, thank you that despite my current circumstances, I still have many things to be thankful for. Help me remember those things and focus on you, my Creator, who is working everything out for my good, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Despite my negative attitude, you still love me, because your love endures forever. Thank you for helping me get my joy back and for giving me the wisdom I need to succeed. Amen.

What other verses help you out in a time of need?