The Importance of A Healthy Morning Routine

The kids are back in school and summer is winding down, which means my mornings are a bit more hectic. I had these extravagant plans to utilize my extra summer morning time with some yoga or a run, a few minutes of quiet prayer time, and an early work day. I did yoga once or twice, went on a few morning walks, and spent a handful of quiet moments thinking, praying, and reading. Early work days didn’t work out so well because the kids typically woke up before I left and mom duty delayed me more than once. Some mornings I spent the extra 30 minutes sleeping, which was not a full waste of time. Our summers are jam-packed with sports. Each August, I reach a new level of exhaustion, so the few extra hours of sleep are beneficial.

With the changing of the seasons and the return to routine, I like to refocus on starting my day the best way possible. For me, that includes a handful of things:

1) Waking up thankful

II think I have finally trained my brain to wake up with a thankful thought. Before I even open my eyes, a quick “Thank you Lord for another day.” Because really, just waking up and breathing are simple blessings we take for granted.

2) Hold the phone

I used to wake up and immediately grab my phone. Check my email. Check Facebook. Check the weather. Scroll aimlessly. Now I give myself a few minutes to adjust. Pet the dogs (who are usually snuggled up next to me even though they
aren’t supposed to be on the bed.) Take a few deep breaths. Just sit and be still, even if it’s only for a few seconds. How often are we truly still doing nothing? I like to ease myself awake without the bright lights of my smart phone.

3) Read and pray

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

I like to read a devotional and say a prayer before I get out of bed. If I do this first thing, sometimes I fall back asleep (sorry God) Most people will tell you to do this first, and then get all of your other phone business out of the way, but I find the opposite works best for me. Gasp. I know, total rule breaker!! I like to look at Facebook Memories so I check those (these memories give me something else to be thankful for) scan my email, and look at whatever else is going to distract
me! My husband always sends me a good morning text when he gets to work, which happens shortly after I wake up. I feel less distracted if I read that first, knowing he is safe at work. I give myself 5 or 10 minutes for this type of randomness, then I read
a couple devotionals or the Bible. It takes discipline but I make it work. If all else fails, I move prayer time into the shower, but I don’t skip it! My mornings start off much better when I get connected with God for a few quick minutes. I hope He understands I’m a
busy mom doing the best I can!

Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Jesus took time to pray in the morning- even more reason why we need to as well!

After steps 1-3 I get a few more minutes of peace in the shower, then the world turns chaotic because the kids get up. Usually some form of arguing ensues (It’s her turn to feed the dogs. That is my headband. I don’t want to brush my teeth.) The morning is never complete without spending 2-3 minutes searching for hair ties. This would be a good time to repeat step 1. Thankful thoughts.

While I’m getting ready, I drink a glass of water (room temp). This is good for your body and can help prevent poor breakfast choices. A donut and a Mountain Dew (a sample from my 1998 breakfast menu) is probably not the best choice! I eat a donut once in a while but normally opt for a protein shake and some fruit on a regular basis. What we eat and drink in the morning can also set us off in the right (or wrong) direction, same as what we think and read.

Once we get in the car, we act like a civilized family, read a devotional together, and say a prayer. You can read more about that and get some book suggestions here.

The way you start your morning will make a huge impact on the direction of your day. If you spend the morning watching dreadful news reports, complaining you are tired, and immediately
connecting yourself to the outside world, it will be hard to start off on the right foot! Instead, start off connecting yourself to God and thanking him for another day. It only takes a few minutes and has a big payoff!

What are some of your favorite morning routines?

Back to School Prayer Plan

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Where did summer go? How is it August already? If you are a parent or a kid, you’ve probably been asking yourself these questions the last few days. One thing is for sure – as quick as one school year ends, another one is just around the corner.

We spend so much time and money preparing for the new school year:

New backpack. Check.
Lunchbox. Check.
School supplies. Check.
Clothes. Check.
Praying for the school year. Crickets.

If you’re like me, and a good majority of this busy world, extra prayers don’t always make the cut. There are A LOT of things to do. You may work in a school prayer here and there, or say a prayer on the first day of school. But what if we took some of our back to school energy and put that toward really praying for our kids, their school year, their teachers, and friends? I imagine it would do wonders, but sadly I can’t say for sure because I have never stuck to this plan. I have had good intentions but other things get in the way.
Despite my lack of focus when it comes to back to school prayers, we do have a school year routine that works well for our family. Each morning the kids and I read a devotional and say a prayer in the car on the way to school. They do the reading while I do the driving. Then we say a prayer. We do this first thing – before any other distractions get in the way. We have been doing this since Kindergarten so now it is just part of the routine. Back then they couldn’t read, so we would just say a prayer. As they got older we added the devotionals. The last couple of school years we have read The Purpose Driven Life Devotional for Kids by Rick Warren. I really like his messages and this was easy to understand. After reading it a few times, we decided to change it up a bit. This school year we are reading One God, One Plan, One Life: A 365 Devotional by Max Lucado. This is a good tween-age book.

There are so many things we can pray for when it comes to our kids. Here are a few simple things to add to your prayer routine. Just remember SMILE.

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S – Pray for SAFETY for your kids throughout the school year

Dear Lord, Another school year is upon us. I pray you watch over our kids on their way to school, at school, and on their way home from school. Keep them safe in the classroom. Watch over our kids and protect them from harm.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.

M – Pray for your kids to MAKE wise decision and wise friends 

Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of friendship. I pray our kids will choose friends wisely this school year and be a good friend to others. Help them be respectful of their teachers and treat others the way they would want to be treated.

Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

I – Pray for your kids to be an INDIVIDUAL and accept others

Dear Lord, Each one of us are fearfully and wonderfully made. Help our kids to recognize their uniqueness and to be comfortable in their own skin. I pray they follow their own will and not try to conform to those around them. Help them to accept others as they are and celebrate differences.

Psalm 139: 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.

L- Pray for LEARNING and knowledge

Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of education. Help us to remember there are kids around the world that do not get the privilege of learning. Help our kids to focus in school and get the most out of each day. I pray for good grades and academic growth this school year.

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

E – Pray for the EXCELLENCE

Dear Lord, I pray for our kids to excel in school. Help them to set excellent examples for others and to be thankful and grateful for all their blessings. I pray they are humble and kind.

2 Corinthians 8:7 But since you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in love we have kindled in you – see that you also excel in the grace of giving.

Let’s make it a great school year!