2020 Book List Part 3

Shame on me. Months of “lock down” at home and I did very little reading! I was busy enjoying my newfound freedom to just be, sleep in on the weekends, exercise, and spend time with my family! It was pretty fantastic. However, this is 2020 list part 3, so I won’t be too hard on myself! You can also check out list 1 and list 2.

Made to crave

By Lysa Terkeurst

This is a great book about healthy eating as a lifestyle, not a diet. If you are looking for a lasting change, Lysa wrotes about replacing those empty places in your life with Jesus, not food. She is very funny and down to earth. I especially liked the reflection questions and the way she breaks down practical references in the back of the book.

Nerves of Steel

By Tammy Jo Shults

If you are looking for a never give up, inspiring read, this is it! I read this book in 2 days. Actually, I read the young readers edition because it was free on Hoopla and I didn’t realize it was the young readers edition until I started! Since it was free I decided to roll with it. She faced so much adversity and her story really shows everything she went through prepared her for a very monumental event. I really felt the girl power! Great read! Highly recommend!

The Power of Now

By Eckert Tolle

Ironically, while reading this book about being in the “now,” I was so mentally distracted I had a hard time following it. It’s a very deep book that requires a lot of focus while reading (at least for monkey minded people like me) I had to re-read several of sections and pages to fully grasp the idea, and even then it was a challenge. I might be too far gone mentally to achieve these lofty enlightenment goals! Try the audio version if you are struggling to focus. Most important takeaway: stay in the present and a lot of other things will take care of themselves.

You are the Key

By Caitlyn Crosby

Very inspiring read about Caitlyn Crosby, who started The Giving Keys. It is an organization that employs people to help them transition out of homelessness. You can view their cute key necklaces here.

She is very down to earth and I could relate to a lot of her struggles. Her honesty is a reminder that even when you follow God’s plan, you may still run into roadblocks. And it is hard work!

“On the path to your purpose there will be doors that ‘should’ open but won’t, and there will be plenty of others that should never in a million years open for you, but they will. This is still your path. ” Sometimes we think if it is God’s plan it will be easy. This book is a much needed reminder that is not always true.

Your Blue Flame

By Jennifer Fulweiler

Funny, inspiring, and relatable! That’s really all you need to know. We are all busy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use your current schedule to find your “Blue Flame” your purpose, your passion.
“Your blue flame is your unique way to give back to others. It’s something you do, you were destined to do, that fills you with energy and adds love to the world.”

Sometimes your blue flame is your full time gig, sometimes it is something you do on the side. This book helps you open your mind and heart to recognize your blue flame and incorporate it into your everyday life.

How Can I Believe the Bible is true?

Do you ever wonder if the Bible is real? Maybe you believe some parts but have doubts about others? You don’t know much about the Bible’s history and want to learn more?

If you have ever asked these questions, I have a great podcast suggestion! Pastor Rick Warren recently did a fantastic series about the validity of the Bible.

It is a 4 part series. If you skip the intermissions, I think you can listen to the whole thing in less than an hour.

I guarantee you will be wowed at least once, regardless of your Bible IQ.

The most amazing takeaway and reminder for me was that the Bible has the same theme throughout the entire book, even though the 66 books of the Bible were written over a span of 1600 years by over 30 different authors on 3 different continents. Seriously. I knew the Bible had many authors and was written over a span of time, but didn’t know the details.

The Bible is the most read, purchased, and translated book to exist.

I am over halfway through a chronological reading plan which you can read more about here.

If you want to learn more, listen to the Podcast series, and find a reading plan that works for you!

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


Part 4:


The most amazing takeaway and reminder for me was that the Bible has the same theme throughout the entire book, even though the 66 books of the Bible were written over a span of 1600 years by 40 different authors on 3 different continents.

My 2020 Book List Part 1


Walking With Purpose

Seven Priorities That Make Life Work

By Lisa Brenninkmeyer

I received this book from the Priest at my son’s school. It was being read as part of a parish wide book study. I wasn’t able to join but decided to read the book anyway. It is written by a Catholic woman, but don’t let that scare you away if you aren’t Catholic.  It is really a book for any denomination.

This is a great book for women, especially those striving for a life of balance. I don’t actually know many women that have mastered this tricky balancing act!

In the beginning of the book, we are reminded a very basic truth. “There simply isn’t enough time in the day to do everything that your loved ones tell you is important and the things that our culture values, and still do the things that God is calling you to do.”  Yup. Amen to that.

Some of my favorite parts 

The opposite of pride is faith. Pride sees everything through our own point of view. Faith sees it all through God’s perspective. Pride places us at the center. Faith makes God at the center of our lives, and makes pleasing him and doing what he desires our greatest goal.”

I turn 40 this year, and it has taken me all these years to learn I should be living for an audience of ONE. And even though I feel like I have a good grasp on this, old habits die hard and some days I care way too much what others think.

When we seek security and worth in other people’s opinions of us, we are deficient of love. We’re not experiencing the depth of unconditional love that God wants us to experience. We are hoping that the approval and affirmation of people around us will fill us up, but it never will. Only as we understand the depths of God’s unconditional love will we be able to let go of the need to please people at all costs-only then can we be free of the tyranny of the opinion of others.”

She talks a lot about the use of our time. God gives us enough time to accomplish what we are supposed to. If we are frazzled, hurried, or overwhelmed, maybe we are doing things that He is not asking us to do?

She goes on to say “When we open our hearts to God, He promises to ‘teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.’ Psalm 90:12

“A wise heart will help us to identify priorities. Once they are identified, we’ll have a better idea of what should be done first, most often, or not at all. They will help us recognize the activities that we need to say no to.”

Prioritizing is so important. In one section she talks about how her massive laundry pile almost prevented her from having a heart to heart during a time of need for her daughter. Been there. Done that. Things get in the way of people. However, those people need clean clothes to wear! The struggle is real.

The overall theme: Put God first and everything else will fall into place. It may not be easy to do, but it is worth it.

Orange Jumpsuit

By Tara-leigh Cobble

As part of my daily Bible reading, I listen to The Bible Recap podcast, led by the author of this book.

This was a quick read, about 3 days. It was during my break from Facebook so that helped!

She is clearly a girl who loves God. It was an inspiring book and I thought it was very easy to read. 

We all put on that unnecessary jumpsuit from time to time. Maybe it is a jumpsuit of worry or fear, comparison, or perfection.  I have worn those ALL from time to time!

The Unwinding of the Miracle

By Julie Yip-Williams

I saw this book on Amazon’s best of 2019. I reluctantly picked it up from the library. 

Julie Yip-Williams tells her story of being born blind, avoiding the death wish of her grandmother, coming to America and getting some sight restored, getting married, having kids, and being diagnosed with cancer. The beginning of her life is quite the story and a miracle itself!

She traveled, typically solo, to all 7 continents by the time she was 30. Oh, and don’t forget she was visually impaired! Amazing. I get stressed when I have to travel to Toledo alone.

Her raw honesty is hard to read, probably because her words explain how I would feel if I was in her shoes.

A few times I almost stopped reading it, because it was painfully sad! Cancer’s devastation within a family is  beyond terrible.

But I think one of the saddest parts for me is in her entire journey, she never came to know God.  She was born in a different country and not raised in a Christian home. Throughout the book she mentions God, but refers to God as “not the one depicted in any religious teachings but rather to a being that may very well be a force comprised of all the life that has been and is and will be, a force that is incomprehensible to the mind but perhaps perceptible to the soul.” At the request of her young daughter, they did attend church. But she never found the God that I know.

Perhaps finding Him would have eased the pain of her journey?

She passed away in March 2018.

If you read this, have tissues on hand. You have been warned.

Rhythms of Renewal

By Rebekah Lyons

This book was part of an online study I did with my friend Erin.

The main ideas of this book are 4 rhythms in which we live:


I agree with this concept, but still struggle with putting all 4 of these into place in my life!

It did give me some inspiration to make some time for Rest (I am actually getting better at this one every day)

The idea of connecting with others and creating are harder for me to put into practice. Time. Not enough of it. Blah, blah, blah. It is the same story – not enough time. So I am working these things as I can – but stressing about the lack of time to do them is counter productive, so I won’t allow myself to do that.

She is a good writer and has had some anxiety and claustrophobia struggles that I could TOTALLY relate to! 

Praying Women

By Sheila Walsh

I listened to this audio book, which broke my own cardinal rule of reading real books, but it was free on Hoopla. I love her accent so that made it more fun to listen to!

Sometimes my mind wanders during audio books and I can’t underline or reference parts to listen to, because I am usually driving while listening.

Despite that, I do have some good takeaways from this book. 

She tells a story about her pregnancy with her son. I won’t give you any spoilers, but WOW!!!! Totally made me cry. 

I also enjoyed the concept of praying the Psalms and that is something I am attempting to put into practice. 

The story of Angus and his wife was another one of my favorite parts. 

Worth the read! Whether you are new to prayer or a seasoned prayer warrior, I think it had helpful info for all! 

Wrapping up Part 1

I am excited that is it only February and I have tackled 5 books already, and that doesn’t count another one I am almost done reading! My music loving friends might enjoy that one – stay tuned for Part 2. 

During Lent this year, I will be taking a social media break and trying to put my phone down a little more, so I expect a decent sized list for Part 2 as well. 

Send me your suggestions!