Calling All Control Freaks and Worry Warts

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It’s February already!


Weren’t we just ringing in the New Year? Like usual, time is flying.

Back in December, I had posted about my New Year’s Resolution. Only 1 this year! You can read about it here. Right around this time, a dear friend had reached out to me about getting together for a book study. We both struggle with control issues and anxiety so I searched for something along those lines and found It’s All Under Control by Jennifer Dukes Lee. We decided it would be worth checking out, ordered the book and study guide, and started reading. The timing could NOT have been better! Looking back, this was a total God thing. Had my friend not reached out, I probably would not have picked this book. I have a bookcase and Kindle full of books I’ve ordered and never found the time to read. Shameful, I know!! I broke my own rule of not buying any more books until I read the ones I already have, and I am oh so glad I did!

Immediately I fell in love with this book. It was EXACTLY what I needed to read at that exact moment in my life. I read with a pencil and highlighter in hand. If you’ve never done this before, try it! In the past, I opted for e-books. Super convenient, but for a scatterbrain like me, it’s very hard not to get distracted. Ding – email. Ding – Facebook message. Ding – text message. Ding. Ding. Ding. Plus, there are a lot of verses to reference. Some devices make it hard to swap back and forth between a bible app and a book.

I usually read early in the morning as part of my quiet time. Sometimes I got up before my 5:30 am alarm (crazy, I know) wrapped myself in a blanket, and read. Some days I would stare down the clock, hoping it would slow down so I had more time to read. My book friends will understand what this is like!

In order to let God be in control (as I said before, I know He is in control, but I typically like to pretend I am) I really need to keep myself on track. This book was a great tool for that. I could relate to the majority of the book.

While I don’t want to send out a spoiler alert, I do want to share a few of my favorite parts:

• “True Rest isn’t about your lack of activity; it’s about the state of your soul.” This one spoke to me! I am a busy person (aren’t we all) Work, kids, family, etc.. sometimes feel like there is just nothing I can cut. Maybe sometimes that is ok – if I find rest for my soul. That needs to be non-negotiable. Because without rest for my soul, I just can’t tackle the weekend-long softball tournaments or gymnastics meets or band festival.

• As long as everything goes exactly the way I want, I am totally flexible. Ha. Totally me!

• God cares for your loved ones more than you do. Love this! One of my biggest areas of stress and worry comes from my family. The world is a scary place. I worry about my kids, sometimes in an over the top, unhealthy way. I can reason with myself and know the worry won’t do any good, but still can’t stop. It was a great reminder that God loves them more than me.

• My type A likes to be in charge. Fundraisers, field trip chaperones, travel softball accommodations, you name it, I’ll do it. Until now! I’m starting to pass the baton. I just can’t do it all. I’ve come to realize something has got to give. Sometimes it’s painful because they just don’t do it right. Ha ok I’m joking (kind of) but in the end, it’s done and that’s all that matters.

I would practically rewrite the entire book if I wanted to share all my favorite parts! Had I read this a few years ago, I might not have been so enthralled. I’m telling ya – divine timing!

Here are my two cents on how I got the most out of this book:

• Get the paper copy! This is one of those books I feel like you will want the book in hand. I realize electronic devices make it easy to bookmark, etc… but for me, this was a book I wanted a paper copy of!

• If you follow step 1, have a pencil/pen/highlighter handy. There are so many things I underlined because I could totally relate.

• Use the study guide. I learn best by writing. For me, this was the perfect companion to the book. It had a lot of thought-provoking questions, fill in the blank, and other exercises. I have done studies in the past where the study guide was very redundant of the book, but this was not the case in my opinion.

You can order the book and study guide on Amazon by clicking on the images below.

You can also check out her website which has a lot of other great info.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have! I’m looking forward to meeting with my friends to discuss!

Must Read Books

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One of my favorite things to do is read. I work it in as much as possible. If only I could just quit my job and get paid to read, I would be all set! I love to read books for fun, but lately I have had an urge and desire to read for knowledge. Since time is NOT on my side, I have to get creative in how to make this happen. It is worth the effort since reading makes us smarter, improves our vocabulary, exercises our brains, and reduces stress!

If I get involved in a book, I mean REALLY involved, I don’t sleep. I will stay up until 1 am or later reading, telling myself I will stop after 1 more chapter. Then I keep going… You get the idea. My kids have actually gotten in “trouble” for this. I really hope reading late into the night is the worst thing I catch them doing! Wishful thinking, I know.

Hoopla is an app I discovered last year. You can download up to 12 free books a month. I ALWAYS check here first before I check the library or buy a book on Amazon. It most likely won’t have everything you are looking for, and sometimes it is only in the form of an audiobook, but it’s a good place to check first. All you need is a library card from a participating library! My Kindle app is one of my most prized possessions so I’m already used to e-books. If you like to read an actual book, this might not be the best option for you. Although it’s hard to beat free!


Jodi Picoult 
Lisa Genova 
Liane Moriarty 
Kristin Hannah 
James Patterson

LOVE these authors, but I have a lot of goodies from others I’ve read in the last year as well…

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (totally cried & still haven’t seen the movie)

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel by Garth Stein (cried)

This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper (super funny – movie is good too)

Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate (Cried. A lot. This one was hard for me to read because it was so sad!)

If you’re looking to laugh and cry, these books are a good place to start!


After listening to Robert O’Neill speak in California a few years ago, I read his book The Operator: Firing the Shots that Killed Osama bin Laden and My Years as a SEAL Team Warrior and then Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell. I have a thing for military stories! I also LOVED Miracle on Voodoo Mountain by Megan Boudreaux. She has an AMAZING story to tell!

Not a Fan , Gods at War by Kyle Idleman and AHA: The God Moment That Changes Everything by David Cook. I read these books several years ago and would love to re-read them again now that I am at a different (and better) place spiritually. Ridiculous Faith and Love, Skip, Jump are two really inspirational books by Shelene Bryan.

I have also read a variety of devotional series and of course the Bible. I try to work in a bible study every now and then. Faith Gateway has some great options. Recently I actually completed one from start to finish (kind of rare for me since I’m all over the place) Goliath Must Fall was very helpful with my anxiety and worry. Even though the study is over, the book is worth reading!

The kids and I read a devotional every morning on the way to school. I have 2 favs – The Purpose Driven Life Devotional for Kids and One God, One Plan, One Life which you can read more about in my back to school post here.

For every book I’ve read, I have an equal amount of books I have downloaded and NOT read. Some have been sitting there patiently waiting to be read for months (ok fine, years!) I have the best of intentions! Really! That list will come later!

The bottom line: there are not enough hours in the day! I would love to read more than time allows. Reading is food for the brain. Just like our normal diet, we fill our brain with junk when we read junk so I try to balance what I read!  What are some of your favorite books?