The other day I was back to school shopping with the kids and my bank grew suspicious. I received a fraud alert text and my card was shut down until I responded “yes.” It was in fact ME spending entirely too much money at the mall. #daughters
While I am thankful for these type of alerts, I am weary of another kind of fraudulent activity.
Do you ever do/say/post/write something and feel like a fraud?
Lately stress from various parts of my life has been really, well, stressful. I am so short fused. Yet, I tell my kids to be patient with each other. I feel like a fraud.
I am moving 100 miles an hour, but I tell my kids to slow down and chill. I feel like a fraud.
I am almost a year into reading my Bible, and I have learned a lot. It has been a great habit, but I am still not fully transformed. Some people talk about their transformation. Hmm, well I still have a short fuse and a bit of a potty mouth. Something isn’t working here. I feel like a fraud.
I make lists of things I am grateful for and tell everyone who will listen how it is such a life changing habit. Then I complain about this or that. I feel like a fraud.
I preach healthy eating, then I scarf down a sleeve of cookies and Coke. I feel like a fraud.
I am blessed with some amazing friends who share in my struggle. We are not alone. We all have bad days!!
The good news is we are who God made us… bad habits and all! He is not surprised. When we snap at our spouse, God doesn’t think, “Wow! I didn’t see that coming.”
He knows.
So instead of feeling like a fraud, why don’t we feel thankful for our nuances and ask God to show us how to use them for good.