Let’s talk about sleep baby. Let’s talk about getting those zzzz’s. Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that we dream. Let’s talk about sleep.
Break it down Emily (and a short cameo by Bo who is fake sleeping)
Isn’t it ironic that the worst sleeper in the house (Emily) is talking about sleep. We all struggle with that from time to time. Some days I am jonesin’ for an afternoon nap about 2:00. Unfortunately my work peeps would be annoyed! When I steer clear of sugar and drink a lot of water, my energy levels are good. But sometimes no matter what I do, I am
Just. Plain. Tired.
According to my smart watch, I average around 7 hours of sleep each night, despite the bathroom breaks and kids coming into our bed. Studies show the average person needs 8 hours of sleep per night. How do we make that happen? I haven’t quite reached the 8 hour goal, but I’m close, and here’s what works for me:
- Avoid caffeine late in the day. I drink an iced tea for lunch. If I’m feeling a little crazy I might have one with dinner. On a rare occasion I drink pop. Alcohol is a real killer because I often mix with something caffeinated. It seems as though I sleep better after a few drinks, but studies show negative long-term effects on your sleep after drinking alcohol.
- Don’t nap during the day. Yea, well if I had this luxury, it might interfere but I don’t. However, my kids are living proof though that late day naps do not help out the night-time cause!
- Put down your electronics. This is a toughy. We no longer have a home phone. So if someone decides to break in and try to kill us, I like to have my cell phone nearby. It is also the only way for my family to get ahold of us in the event of an emergency (anyone else freak out when you see a call from your parents come in late at night?) I have started turning down my ringer and silencing unnecessary notifications before bed.
- Sleep and wake at consistent times. This one just happens automatically over time if you’re lucky like me. “Sleeping in” means staying in bed until 7:30 at my house. Long gone are my days of sleeping until 10:00am because I was out late the night before. So even though I hate it, I know it is better for my body. I will say that even though I wake up early, it is nice to lay around in bed if I don’t have to rush off anywhere.
- Oil or soak. I have a few essential oils I use topically or diffuse (until my husband notices the diffuser and turns it off because he thinks it stinks.) Peace and Calming and Lavendar are a few of my Young Living favorites. I just bought Doterra Serenity blend to try as well. Baths are also a good way for my girls to wind down before bed too.
- Take some herbs. I take 2 Tranquil Mind
herbs before bed. I really love these as a night-time supplement.I also take a Melatonin as needed on nights I know I will need the extra help. Valerian Root is another good bedtime herb which you can find in herbal tea. There is some in this Schiff Melatonin Ultra
as well!
- Find a good temperature. When it is too hot or too cold in our bedroom, I do not sleep well. Being too cold isn’t as bad for me as being too hot. If it’s too warm in our room, I always wake up a few times in the night.
- Breathe! This is an easy one. When I use my Resperate
before bed, I fall asleep so much easier and faster. Take some time for deep breathing or meditation when you get in bed. You can find apps that work as well if you don’t want to buy a fancy contraption. My 2 favorites are Stop Think Breath and Calm.
- Don’t exercise late at night. One of my favorite workouts is a kickboxing class near my work. I don’t go as often as I would like, but when I do, I am up so late! The class is from 8:00-9:00pm. By the time I get home, shower, and get in bed it’s after 9:30 (which I realize is not that late) but by this point I am WIDE awake! My endorphins are flowing and sleep is the last thing on my mind. I wish I could bottle that energy and pull some out in the am.
- Have the right amount of noise. For me, that is the TV on a low volume, which I know is a terrible habit! But I cannot sleep without the TV on. I also keep it on a show that I don’t like so I’m not tempted to keep watching TV. For some, a fan or white noise or music works too!
This is what works for me, but everyone is different. Beside my bad TV habit, studies back most of these suggestions. When I stick to my list, I sleep pretty good and wake feeling rested. Drinking a lot of water (about 50-60 ounces per day) helps me wake up easier in the morning. When I don’t drink enough water, I have a much harder time getting out of bed. What works for you?