Statistics for success

Did you know…

CEO’s read an average of 60 books per year*

For those of you that struggle with math, let me help you out. That is more than 1 week!

Seriously. I set a goal of 1 a month and I typically fall short of my goal. I find this very impressive. Reading books for knowledge, information, and motivation is so important.

The takeaway: Reading the right books and investing in yourself is an important tool in success.


The average batting average for MLB players in 2019 was .248*

This means almost 80% of their at bats were unsuccessful! If these players are paid millions of dollars a year and this is their job, why in the world do we expect perfection from ourselves? In 2019 the average shooting percentage for NBA basketball players was .460.

The takeaway: Throw away expectations of perfection.


85%-90% of what humans worry about never actually happens*

Some days I am the Queen of worry. Scenarios play out in my head that simply don’t belong.

The takeaway: Worrying about something won’t prevent it from happening. Guard your thoughts.


You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with*

Jim Rohn says “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”

Is this good or bad? Depends on your top 5! Some studies show it even reaches farther than 5. If you spend the majority of your time with negative people, it will be harder to stay positive. Same is true for fitness and health. If you’re trying to get in shape and exercise, limit your time with that friend who eats fast food 3 times a day. We don’t have to find clones for friends, but if they are not living in a way that aligns with your life, reevaluate the impact they have on your life.

The takeaway: Be conscious of who you are surrounding yourself with and find friends with similar goals.
