Homemade Acai bowls

I have a new favorite breakfast. Acai bowls.


You can find packets in your frozen food aisle. If you like a thicker texture, toss it in the blender with some frozen strawberries or ice.

Pour the acai mixture in a bowl. My favorite toppings: banana slices, blueberries, chopped walnuts, and sliced almonds. Sprinkle some shredded coconut and drizzle honey.

I could eat this every day and never get tired of it.

Step up your water game

I have been doing a great job of drinking more water. I notice the benefits: better skin and more energy just to name a few!

After a while plain ole water gets a little boring. I decided to spice things up (actually sweeten things up) by making my own flavored water.

It’s fun to try different combinations. While I’m not a huge cucumber fan, that is one of my favs. There is no denying the refreshment!

Some of my most liked combos so far:

Strawberry, blueberry, mint

Orange, mint

Lemon, lime

Cucumber, mint

Strawberry, blueberry, cucumber, mint

Strawberry, lemon

You really can’t go wrong adding some mint leaves.

I like to drink within 1 to 2 days. Anything longer than that was a little too overpowering for my liking.

Mix it up and let me know some of your favorite combos!