Knock out sugar


My enemy.

Tempting me day and night.I struggle with sugar.

I STRUGGLED with sugar. Not anymore!!! I start taking 2 Sweet Ease a day with lunch. Wow.

I have passed by cookies, donuts, and cupcakes without a second thought.

Normally the sugar temptation is especially strong during PMS but even that has improved.

I am completely shocked at how well it is working. I have barely any cravings.

I take several herbs a day and I did NOT want to add anything else to my regimen, but I am super glad I did! I really wanted to cut out added sugar and this has helped tremendously!

If you are looking for a kick start to your sugar detox, check with your doc and give it a try!

Avoiding sugar this holiday season

The holiday season is upon us. With the twinkling lights and decorations comes cookies, cakes, and pies. Holiday parties and gatherings. Drinks and sweet treats. Of course, we are barely recuperated from the Halloween candy. If you are like me, sugary treats are a real slippery slope. One Snickers bar. Two packages of M&Ms. Three Reese’s Pieces. Pretty soon I’ve eaten a half-dozen pieces of candy. Why? Because sugar is addicting. And it sneaks its way into unsuspecting foods. Reading labels is a REAL eye opener.  A few months ago I made an attempt to avoid added sugar. It was challenging to say the least! You can read more about that here.

For me, once I binge on sugar, the regret arrives as soon as the sugary high wears off. Wouldn’t it be nice to avoid the sugar all together? That is hard, especially during the holidays, but it can be done!  I hate to be a buzz kill, but if you really understand how harmful sugar is to your mind and body, you might think twice before grabbing those sweet treats! Educate yourself!

Check out this article from Sweet Defeat. It is packed full of information and tips to help you limit sugar and stay healthy! Happy Holidays!