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It’s February in Michigan.
Insert depressing music.
Don’t get me wrong – winter in Michigan can be beautiful! The snow is pretty and the cold weather gives us an excuse to cozy up in front of the fireplace. However, by the end of February, we are all pretty much over it and the winter blues creep in. Ask a random stranger “How are you” and they are bound to mention something about being tired of winter. We miss the sun and the ability to go outside and not freeze your face off. A few years ago I took a trip to California during an especially gray Michigan winter. When I stepped out of the airport into the sun, I immediately felt better. It’s amazing what a few hours in the warm sun can do for your soul.
During my monthly Acupuncture appointment, I explained my lack of motivation and excessive appetite to my doctor. January was an especially rough month in terms of my mood, PMS, and overall well-being. This is not surprising since I have not exercised much lately due to my lack of motivation. Instead of exercise, I held down the couch and ate whatever I could get my paws on. After a lengthy conversation, he asked me, “Would you feel better if you were in Florida right now?” Duh. Yes! He explained my symptoms indicate seasonal depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder (appropriately abbreviated SAD). I was a little surprised because I didn’t think of myself as depressed, especially since I don’t really feel sad. But the winter blues have a lot of other symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, appetite changes, loss of interest, and mood swings.
Acupuncture treatment for SAD
He did an acupuncture treatment to boost my “get up and go” which is exactly what I need – a swift kick in the pants! I feel like it worked because I did make it to a workout class that night for the first time in a long time! Not only did I make it TO the class, but I made it THROUGH the class. A few weeks back I did a workout at home and thought I might die. I just felt heavy if that makes sense, like I couldn’t muster up the energy to get through a 20 minute workout.
During this treatment, he used 6 needles in 4 different locations (I only remember the specifics on 3 of these 4 points)
• Liver 3 Tai Chong, Great Rushing: The liver channel is responsible for moving energy. When it gets stuck, it can lead to anger, irritability, PMS, and headaches. This is a point he has frequently needled in my visits. It’s on the top of the foot. While it doesn’t feel great, it seems effective for me!
• CV6 Conception Vessel, Sea of Energy: This point is right below the naval and helps fight fatigue, bloating, and cramps. Ladies can I get an Amen?
• CV17 Conception Vessel 17 heart Chakra, Chest Center: This point helps with anxiety.
Full Spectrum Light Therapy
My doctor also recommended light therapy. Full spectrum lights mimic daylight by providing full spectrum light without harmful UV rays. It replicates the intensity and range of colors found in natural daylight. Studies show 10,000 LUX is needed to help with seasonal depression. It can have a positive effect on moods, relaxation, and balancing your cardiac rhythm to sleep better. The light needs to get behind the eyes for best results, so don’t wear sunglasses.

I found a light with good reviews on Amazon and started using it about a week ago. You can view the Verilux HappyLight Full-Size 10,000 Lux Bright Light Therapy Full Spectrum Lamp
So far so good. I think between the Acupuncture treatment and the light, I am starting to get my mojo back! This particular lamp has 2 lenses, a Comfort Lens and High Energy Lens. The High Energy Lens will give you the 10,000 LUX output as recommended for SAD. Make sure you sit close enough to the lamp (mine says within 24 inches) I set mine beside my bed so it’s slightly off-center (about 10 o’clock). It is bright so you don’t necessarily want it straight on, but need it to penetrate behind the eyes.
I am sure it’s no surprise exercise will help beat those winter blues as well! I am fully aware of the benefits exercise will give you – but I still couldn’t muster the energy to do it. It was kind of putting the cart before the horse. I needed energy to exercise in order get energy from exercise.
Start small – a 10 minute walk, preferably outside (when it’s not -40 degrees) Yoga has been a good option for me on those days I didn’t have the energy for a strenuous, high impact workout. Something is better than nothing!!
If you’re feeling the winter blues, hang in there. Spring is coming. In the meantime, give some alternatives a try!