Dark chocolate covered frozen bananas

I found an amazing recipe thanks to The Daniel Plan. It’s the perfect treat-refreshing and sweet. I did modify it a little so my version is below.


*1 banana- sliced into chips

*1 cup melted dark chocolate chips

*1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Slice bananas into small circles, dip into melted chocolate, and roll in chopped walnuts. Place on parchment paper on cookie sheet, and place in freezer for at least 1 hour. Enjoy!

Homemade Acai bowls

I have a new favorite breakfast. Acai bowls.


You can find packets in your frozen food aisle. If you like a thicker texture, toss it in the blender with some frozen strawberries or ice.

Pour the acai mixture in a bowl. My favorite toppings: banana slices, blueberries, chopped walnuts, and sliced almonds. Sprinkle some shredded coconut and drizzle honey.

I could eat this every day and never get tired of it.