Happy Anniversary to Me

Today, February 27, 2020, is my 2 year blog anniversary!

Happy blog-iversary to me!


I started this blog as a fun way to share the things I have learned about health, wellness, and holistic living. I have been able to do much more than I expected! Although I don’t get to write as much as I would like, I have managed to post 76 blog posts over 2200 people have viewed.

Some highlights:

  • My most loved post was Benefits of Dry Body Brushing (A great practice during these dry winter months).
  • I have received a lot of comments and questions since I posted about my acupuncture experiences.
  • The book lists have been a hit and I have so many more to add this year (I am on a roll with reading right now).
  • Hummus Veggie Wraps was the most loved recipe.
  • I had my first guest post.
  • My favorite posts? That’s a toughie. It is a toss up. A Year of Gratitude and Thanks talks about a life changing habit for me.
  • Let’s Talk about Sleep is a favorite because Emily and Bo were hilarious in this one.

If you haven’t already, sign up on my blog and new posts will be emailed so you will never miss a thing! You can also follow me on Pinterest and Facebook. Check my home page for links.

Thanks for sticking with me for 2 years!