Lent plan: Memorize the book of James

This year, Lent starts on Wednesday, March 2nd, and ends on Sunday, April 17th. 46 days. (Or 40 days if you cheat on Sundays)

I have posted about Lent before and you can read that here: https://bewholly.com/2019/03/03/lent-101/

I have been thinking about what I want to do this year. Normally, in addition to giving something up, I do something extra. Well, a wild and crazy idea popped in my head…(yes, my definition of wild and crazy has changed over the years! )…what if I memorize the book of James?

It’s packed with great advice and encouragement, and it’s not that long. If I counted correctly-108 verses. That works out to about 2.3 verses per day. Normally, I memorize a verse a week, and sometimes that verse spills into the next week (or the week after) so…this could be a challenge.

Once I learn a verse, I will continue to read and repeat it; otherwise, I will forget. Use it or lose it!!

My plan is to post a couple verses a day…so if you want to join me, follow along!

Lent is the autumn of the spiritual life during which we gather fruit to keep us going for the rest of the year.” St. Francis de Sales 

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